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Everything posted by crf69

  1. PINK FLOYD DID NOT MAKE THIS SONG. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTFVMMCwsss
  2. all the kids are gonna be zombies and do lots of hookers and blow.
  3. ordered. im letting it be known. my city is on fucking crank and it's getting to the point of Zombified.
  4. i have a cbr1000rr7. insanity mode.
  5. Norton here. Slows my shit down like a mutherfucker but has never let me down.
  6. take the time to address the area's correctly. grind away as much of the rust as possible then get it coated. what you use to grind away and coat with is up to you.
  7. navigation takes over. at least it did on my droid 1
  8. plasti-dip has become an epidemic across the nation.
  9. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/21/dc-comics-gay-superhero-i_n_1533105.html
  10. i rode a triple a long time ago. very neat sound and feel. i would own one right now.
  11. i would have split that shit in a heartbeat.....
  12. will come with pitbull stands. forward arm rear and newfront.
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