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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. No clue. Not defending the drugs, just try to urge the same kind of correlation/causation understanding that we ask people to apply to gun ownership and death stats.
  2. Extra in a GodZirra film?
  3. Runs a dry cleaners? Teaches piano? Hopefully not a driving instructor.
  4. Gun Envy just got some ARs in. https://www.facebook.com/#!/gunenvy
  5. Again... Is that correlation or causation? Are these drugs themselves causing the violence, or are they simply unsuccessful in some people at preventing violence caused by the underlying condition that the drugs were prescribed to treat?
  6. They look like much less than 80% complete. Looks like they will take a crapload of work to complete.
  7. Is that correlation or causation, though? A subset of people who are depressed go on anti-depressants. A subset of people who are depressed desire to kill themselves. Is the desire to kill yourself caused by the depression or the anti-depressant?
  8. I think he did us more harm than good. "Suicide murder pills"? Really?
  9. $800 might be what he has in it, but that's not what he'll get out of it. He should be asking 350-400.
  10. It's not necessarily a junk toilet. My son produces turds that'd plug up the Scioto.
  11. Jawohl, Herr Shitemeister!
  12. It came up on the register as I checked out - on the pinpad.
  13. Thanks. I asked what happens to non-citizens and he says they are required to show immigration papers. I told him that after filing for a green card it can take up to 3 years to get that green card (it did for me) and during that time there is no paperwork for that person to show. "Oh well". Then we chatted about England and I pointed out that I could never buy ammo like this there - to which he replied "But England is much safer because of it." Me: "Nope, violent crime is twice as high." Him: "Really? Why is that?" Me: "Only the bad guys have guns. The good guys are defenseless."
  14. For how long has Dicks required you to be a Citizen to purchase ammo?
  15. Invalid Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
  16. Not surprised it sold out at that price, wow. Gonna have to keep an eye on that.
  17. My p226 and bersa are both DA/SA and the first trigger pull is long and takes more to pull (unless you manually cock the hammer). Thereafter the trigger is almost nothing. The 19 is a balance between the two. My wife preferred the consistent trigger pull, and medium weight. I'm used to the DA/SA model so it doesn't bother me.
  18. Some people take tons of shots and survive - some people take one .22 to the walnut and croak on the spot. It's all about where the bullets hit. Wonder why she aimed at his head and not center mass...
  19. The 19 is a nice gun. The LC9 may have the same problem as my Bersa - less mass = more felt recoil = more time to get back on target etc. The Bersa feels like it has more kick than the p226 despite firing a smaller round. The bersa is definitely easier to conceal - single stack mags. Bear in mind the 19 may wind up an NFA item if Feinstein gets her way (registration $200 tax stamp etc) whereas the lc9 won't be. The looming bans pushed my wife towards the 19 knowing she could always buy a smaller gun later if it was too big, but could not buy 19 post-ban. I carry the Bersa IWB in summer where concealment is more difficult, and the p226 OWB in the winter when I can wear a cover garment without looking out of place.
  20. It will come in handy when feinstein takes everything but .22 from us...
  21. Dunno about 1/4... It's about 128 ft lbs fro .32 acp versus 150-230 ft lbs for .38 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.32_ACP http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.38_Special
  22. Scruit

    That's a dude

    Sorry you are so offended. Maybe need to grow a thicker skin? All the best anyway. I'm not going to engage in a pissing match.
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