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Everything posted by Scruit

  1. Talking while taking a leak isn't as bad if the conversation started outside the bathroom. If you must greet someone then wait until you're both washing your hands, never at the urinal. When I take a dump I intentionally hide my ID badge (clipped to my belt) by tucking it into my back pocket so that people don't see it hanging down below the cubicle wall. Too many people have seen it then started up a conversation while I'm trying to pinch a loaf. Bathroom sounds don't bother me, per se, but I prefer it if there is some background noise like a fan, music or something else so you don't get that "They're listening to me poop" feeling, nor do you get "silent feet" (people who sit in the cubicle but will no take their dump until they are alone in the bathroom. Two sets of silent feet = stalemate than can last for days.
  2. Shield. She needed a shield, just not that kind.
  3. The rules for deadly force for police and civilians differ in a relatively easy-to-describe way... - The police are expected to resolve confrontations with appropriate enforcement action, they can use deadly force in more types situations (fleeing felons etc) but are expected to not use excessive force so may have to justify skipping steps in their continuum of force. - Civilians are expected to avoid, de-escalate or flee confrontations (if able to safely), they can use deadly force only to save themselves from deadly force or violent felony (rape included) but saving others carries great risk (if you "save" the bad guy by shooting the "good" guy expect to pay for it). You are not expected to hold back if the bad guy is just "a little bit deadly". When it's go time, you bring your A game.
  4. Well I called it in and the cop said something about snitches and stitches?
  5. You have to weigh the likelihood of any given outcome, not just the impact. Getting caught armed in a state cpz won't kill you, but getting caught unarmed might. But the what are the chances of a mass shooting versus the chances of getting caught? A difficult decision that I leave up to personal choice without being judgmental but I will do my best to ensure the making that choice have all the best information to support their decision. (There is a difference between arguing what the law says, and arguing if that law makes sense)
  6. Glad my wife got a 9mm today because I bought 1k rounds last week. Didn't feel like buying 1k of something else.
  7. We tried the m&p. grip was too rounded and thinner than the glock, and it ejected too vertically - half of the 15 shell casings hit her, 3 went down her shirt and burned her. One landed inside her goggles and burned her cheek. The glock ejected further right so she didn't get hit. She didn't like the higher felt recoil of my bersa (lighter frame plus fixed barrel) and although she liked my p226 she was put off by the heavy/light da/sa trigger. She wanted something halfway between and more predictable. She liked the point&click simplicity of the glock and m&p but didn't like burned tits. She's on the Tupperware Team and I'm sticking with my sig. I feel better with the very heavy da first trigger pull in place of a safety.
  8. My wife picked up a brand new Glock 19. Ready to kick ass and take names.
  9. Nothing to get. If YOU don't call yourself a law abiding gun owner then YOU are not covered by a statement that includes "People who call themselves law abiding gun owners..." Your compliance or non-compliance with the law is your business, not mine.
  10. Those who advocate carrying in violation of the law, then call themselves law-abiding citizens crack me up too...
  11. I'm bringing 3. Myself, my wife and my son. Thanks!
  12. I have 10 pmags on backorder with an expected ship date mid jan. I wonder if I will get them...
  13. WWE Style? Think someone hit them with a prop chair and slammed him down on a pop-up table first?
  14. The chances of me getting caught and felony-charged are infinitely higher than being in a position to deal with a mass shooting. I will actively advocate for the removal of CPZs, but I won't commit a felony. If I get fired from work, or get a felony charge, then I lose my IT job and any hope of getting close to that same salary again for a long, long time, if ever. After weighing the options, I feel that staying on the right side of the law is a better way to protect and provide for my family. If I get killed in a mass shooting they get my life insurance. If I get fired they get nothing.
  15. That's still pretty pricey. Kicking myself I didn't buy more last year when they were 30c/round for good 5.56. Still, I have enough on hand to last until such a time that the factories have ramped up ammo production, other buyers have ammo dribbling out of their ears and hopefully before they put a $1/bullet tax on it. Looking at getting into reloading... Futureproof myself from bullet taxes... (unless they tax the actual bullet itself, rather than just cartidges) Buddy of mine is an NRA trainer and reloading expert... Gonna sign up for one of his classes.
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