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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0GFRcFm-aY&sns=em
  2. I'll take Snow White and slip her my 7" dwarf.....
  3. Think of it as pre-tenderized.
  4. on all your comments. However, those poor bovine.
  5. Yep I've been to their shop myself. You can even get custom colors too.
  6. I thought the PR one was a little bigger than that.
  7. Oh I want one of those heart shaped heating gel packs.
  8. Happy hump day fuckers....
  9. Those look familiar..... Oh yeah, I remember modeling for a company a few years back. I should have asked for royalties instead of a lump sum.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmUahz093H8
  11. Sadly I have not watched that series.
  12. Absolutely. However 300 was quite historically incorrect. But still a fuvcking great movie.
  13. It looks like they took cues from the smallville series.
  14. I don't live for from you and I would happy to help you.
  15. The ground in electrical circuit is a path for the voltage to travel back to the source (In this case the electrical panel) in the event there is a short circuit in the device plugged into the outlet or the circuit wires themselves.
  16. I want you to notice When I'm not around You're so fucking special I wish I was special But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here
  17. Candy cane. Next challenge: with a ginger bread man decoration.
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