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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. If you get banned you can come use my computer to get your OR fix...
  2. Hell yes! The 11th is my bday too!
  3. Don't forget Gem, and Firestar from Spiderman.
  4. Well crap I somehow thought it was Friday too.
  5. I'm down for this, but I may need a place to sober up over night.
  6. Happy thanksgiving everyone!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWmD0chO9JA
  8. Something to consider, you can get a much better interest rate on a new car versus a used one.
  9. This contest sounds awesome! Too bad I refuse to get a Facebook account.
  10. I've had a few friends that lived in those apartments. And spent a lot of time working on a CBR in one of those garages.
  11. Haha it's a line by Dale Gribble from king of the hill. I thought it was funny. I recognize the scenery in your picture.
  12. Congrats! "you don't know who I am, but I know who you are and I know where you live......"
  13. Haha I love the police academy movies.
  14. Holy crap that is nuts. I'll be right back. I need to run up to Kroger for some, er.... Cigarettes. Yeah, that's it. Cigarettes......
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