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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. Have you ever spun your cat or dog around and made them dizzy?
  2. Yep the rear lights are back in the tail ago.
  3. QuikAccord


  4. I know the feeling. However I definitely enjoy my weekends.
  5. We all knew it was you lol
  6. Xbl: quikaccord Psn: das_knight I just got Halo 4
  7. I enjoyed today quite a bit. thanks for letting me lead some Aaron.
  8. Sorry Jeremy. You never posted a new challenge. New challenge: any bar with the word tavern in the name.
  9. I'm seeing all these threads about people getting new toys. First Tom posts a new toy thread. Then Jen posts up a new toy thread. Where is Kristin's new toy thread????
  10. Yeahyeah yeahyeah yeahyeah, yeahyeah yeahyeah yeahyeah, yeahyeah yeahyeah yeahyeah yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  11. ^^^^^ I'm betting she has no ass.....
  12. ^^^^^ that is just ridiculous. I believe the woman faking should be the one to pay restitution for fraud and misconduct. Or just have the whole case dropped and and thrown out of court.
  13. ^^^^ that photo would be so much better as a gif lol
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