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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. Sometimes these batteries don't handle a deep cycle very well and cannot always recover from being fully drained. I have a 4 cell that has been deep cycled a few times and has recovered fine each time. I made an 8 cell and accidentally drained it once and had to replace two of the cells right away. It can be a crap shoot whether or not a cell will survive a deep cycle or not.
  2. I have made these myself for the last couple years for myself and friends. I recommend an 8 cell. A 4 cell will start the bike at first but if you stall you may not be able to get the bike started again right away. I run an 8 cell myself under the seat.
  3. Red, blue, purple, gold, silver mirror kits for $20 more
  4. Pics of current colors available to me for a cheap price.
  5. I'm going to have to just skip softball so I can go
  6. I swear I feel like the majority of Americans do not know the meaning of an honest earned dollar anymore. Those that I'm speaking of, all they want to do is scream of injustice and sue for their next dollar. Looking for any excuse they can to do so.
  7. That wouldn't be considered racist in Europe.
  8. Yeah check my post. Pictures speak for themselves. I just fixed my phone myself.
  9. Current colors: red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple, pink, powder blue, white, and black. Also one with a mirror chrome finish. ($20 extra) Pictures coming soon.
  10. I'm getting a list together and possibly pictures of all the colors available at that price.
  11. Yeah, I've been watching these color kits since they were first released over a year ago. If you decide to order, make sure you order a home button cable and LCD adhesive.
  12. Parts cost me about $60 shipped. I would charge $100 for parts and service.
  13. So recently I broke my screen on my iPhone. Being the handy person I am, I set out to repair my phone myself. So ordered the parts I wanted/needed for the repair. Before: During: Now the finished product: Took me about a hour from start to finish. I'm very happy with the final results and the quality of the materials. All questions and comments welcome.
  14. Will your boss match up to 7k or will they match above that?
  15. Bonus rep for on the highway? lol
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bPvc_kZAg0&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh0AhrY9GjA
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