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Everything posted by QuikAccord

  1. I understand better now.
  2. I'm sorry but coldplay just butchered that song........
  3. Bikes and ice cream?!? I'm in!!!
  4. I agree. Show him what his bike is capable of. lol
  5. ^^^^^ nice what kind of factory was that?
  6. Well if I'm being too hard and unreasonable I'm sorry. Honestly I am.
  7. And if I'm not mistaken, I think we have a new leader........
  8. Well you said we needed to catch up. lol
  9. Next challenge: root beer float stand.
  10. There is nothing wrong with being the last one in the group. It's one this to be slow. It's another to not at least go the speed limit. I can respect you slowing down for the curves and riding where you are comfortable, but you should at least be able to go 55 on the straits. A few times I noticed we were going 54 down 202 and you were falling behind with a line of cars behind you. I'm not trying to be mean and come down on you but we need to find a way to boost up your confidence while riding.
  11. Technically I could say your picture doesn't because I'm clearly visible in it. lol
  12. I got your goat(s) lol Next challenge: in front of a closed down abandoned business
  13. Absolutely! The ride was great today. It was great meeting you today.
  14. First person I thought of too.
  15. This is for myself, VandySS, and ExArch. Next challenge: a REAL horse in the back ground. Same rules as the plane.. No toys or models.
  16. I may be a couple of mins late but I'll be there.
  17. I'd use normal traps as well with peanut butter. I've seen some crafty mice manage to get free of a glue trap before.
  18. They are custom molded ear plugs with single driver monitors. I don't always have my music like I did today. Otherwise I would have been ale to hear you at that stop light. Lol so what were you trying to ask me?
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