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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. So what would you guys say the percentage of C.E.O.s and upper management in this country are,republican or democrat?I'm thinking it would lean pretty heavy in the republican direction.It was the C.E.O.s and management that sent our jobs and economy to a socialist country...not Obama.They are the socialist.If you shop at communist china mart,or try to save a buck by buying some communist near-slave labor products your just as socialist,or more,than Obama.Republicans seem to think socialism is o.k. if it makes them a buck,but if it's helping someone else it's the spawn of satan.Hypocrites.

  2. Obama approved the surprise attack' date=' instead of the carpet bombing. I respect that. As an American, who wanted to make sure there was a dead body, he has my respect. I don't agree with pretty much everything he stands for, politically. Regardless, President Obama made the right call and let his and our military do their thing. Give credit where credit is due. Obama threw down the Ace of Spades on this mission. Nothing taken away from the men in uniform that did the deed, but he's the Commander-in-Chief. He deserves this victory just as much as any other president.[/quote']

    I agree.

    Personally I do support Obama.I voted for him the last time and I will vote for him again.This is just one of the many stinking piles of shit that the Bush/Chaney cartel left for Obama to clean up.

    It amazes me that anyone could vote re-puke after what Bush/Chaney did to this country.

    Great job SEALS,good call Mr.President.

  3. Anyone that commutes by bike has to be getting a little tired of this rain.I'm making it about four days a week,but usually it's raining to hard in the morning one day a week.I'm like ReconRat,I don't mind getting wet going home,but I hate getting too wet in the morning.

  4. Religion does NOT bring out the better angels of our nature. It divides rather than unites as well as make war against intellectualism from the very start. Thou shalt not know and if you do know, no more paradise for you. The universe makes more sense when you realize that there is no god behind the curtain.

    I have to disagree also...religion can bring out the better angels in our nature.Many of the best colleges in America were started as Christian institutions.Is that making war on intellectualism?Look at the names of the hospitals in your area,if they're like the ones around here they have names that reflect Christian beliefs.Here in Zanesville the two hospitals are Good Samaritan and Bethesida.Again,people of faith started these institutions to relieve people's suffering.Then there is the red cross.You can say what you want about these institutions,but it can't be denied that they have helped millions of people in their time of need.Of course these are just a few examples of the thousands of faith based institutions that help people

    On the other hand,what has secular humanism or atheism ever done for anyone in need?

    Also,religion has produced the likes of Martin Luther King,Mother Theresa and Mohandas Gandi.I don't know about you,but I consider these people "the better angels of our nature."

  5. What a great story,that made my day!

    After reading the history behind the picture,it just made the photo that much more piognant.Piggy's paw on Rily's shoulder gives the photo that proud parent feel.

    You've got a good eye,and that's an excellent photo!

    Btw,there's a bible verse that states that you should help strangers because you might be helping an angel unbeknown.To me,you're whole story brings that verse to life,and it looks like you got three angels there.Enjoy!

  6. Oh brother,another re-puke claiming to be a christian to get votes.From the new testement that I read all these guys (Bush,Kasich,Ray-gun,etc,etc) line up much closer to the pharisees than they do Jesus.Jesus was always with,and helping the downtrodden,not licking the boots of the rich.As for Ron Paul,time will tell.

    If you're looking for God or his people in politics,good luck.Politicians weren't on the side of Jesus in the bible,and they aren't now.

    • Upvote 1
  7. That's part of my commute.I'm working in Cambridge and live in Zanesville so my after work ride is,660,313,146,Salt Creek drive,555.Not a bad road in the bunch.

    If you get a chance give 313 a try,it's fun too.

  8. being American made I'd buy one if:

    test ride

    fix that hideous faring

    price came in under $14-16K <--- Doubtful

    bonus points for replacing the swing arm with a SSSA

    I could live with the dated fairing,but the other two would be considerations.The other big Sport-Tourers are pushing that $16k price point,so personally I would pay a little premium to ride American,say $18k.I really think it's up to us to get the country out of this economic funk by buying American if possible.One other consideration for me would be a good warrenty,since it's a new design.

  9. Speaking of good deals on riding books...Borders on Kenny rd is closing and today was their last day,everything was 90% off.I got Twist of the Wrist 1 for $1.99.That and a vintage motorcycle price guide were the only books left on a 5x8 foot book shelf.I bought them both for $3.82.

  10. I strongly agree that I need the MSF and will do so as soon as I can.

    In the mean time I keep hearing about developing bad habits. What bad habits is everyone talking about or are most common?

    A couple bad habits that come to mind....don't ride in the middle of the lane,ride in the cars tire tracks.If there is dirt,debris,car parts,oil,grease and on and on,it will most likely be in the middle of the lane.I saw a guy doing this today.

    Another bad habit...not looking far enough ahead,especially in turns.This one will take some practice and confidence.When going into a turn look as far ahead as the turn and surrounding obstructions allow.A lot of people just learning pretty much look just over the handlebars,you've gotta look out to see any possible hazards and to judge proper turn speed.Delayed apex cornering really helps with seeing ahead,but it might be a little early to bring that up.

    Don't rely on leaning alone to corner.

    Has anyone explained countersteering to you yet?Simply put...if you want to turn left PUSH on the left handgrip,to turn right Push on right handgrip.I know this sounds bassackwards,but it helps the bike "fall in" and makes cornering much easier.Just slight pushs are needed...give it a try in a parking lot if you aren't doing it yet.

    Another bad habit...not canceling turn signals.Don't give the cages a reason to turn in front of you.

  11. They are a little pricey,but if you're in the market for one you can save a little money at the I.M.S shows.I got the classic model for $460(if I remember right) at the Cleveland I.M.S this year.No taxes,no shipping if you pick it up at the show.

    If I would have bought that thing when I bought the FJR it would have payed for itself two times over.

  12. I just read you're other post about your friends thinking that you should just be able to ride.

    Never under any circumstances try to ride to someone else's skill level or expectations!Not now,not fifty years from now.It'll get you killed.That's the major problem with some group rides.Whatever you do,stay within your own skill level and comfort zone.If people give you shit about your pace or push you to go faster,look for other people to ride with or ride alone.

  13. I really liked silverfox's idea of having someone shadow you.If possible,I would take it one step farther and ride with a more experienced SAFE rider with bike to bike communications.Maybe that way the other rider can let you in on what they're thinking in different situations.I highlighted safe rider in the previous sentence because you sure don't want to learn other people's bad habits,so choose the other rider carefully.

    I highly recommend David Hough's book Proficient Motorcycling.

    I agree with the others...keep practicing in low traffic areas until you feel more comfortable with the bike and traffic situations.

    It'll come,and hopefully in a little while you'll be posting about how much fun you're having.

  14. LoL... I'm not whining. I'm pointing out the law of this state regarding overtime. I make more than enough money to live a comfortable lifestyle. My intent wasn't to display a sense of self-pity. Believe me' date=' I'm far better off not being beholden to some union or company benefits. I'll go my own way, if it's all the same to you.

    If you don't like the way big oil runs it's companies, maybe you should ride one of them pedal bikes? You're just as much a part of the problem as the next guy. Besides.... you're way off topic.[/quote']

    No,I'm on topic...it is the greed,incompetence and unaccountability of the wealthy that got us in this mess,not public workers pay or benifits.Now they're using the ages old stratagy of divide and conquer,and you're falling for it.

    Personally,I would like to see all working people making good wages.I don't care if the wealthy make lots of money,but they must be competent and accountable.The trans-ocean CEO was neither.

  15. "an incentive to work weekends"....

    Um.. all my boss has to say is' date=' "You're working this weekend." Ohio Law doesn't give me an option, besides walking off the job. The whining from some of these privileged employees makes me laugh. Why do they get preferential treatment over me? Should there be a law that protects them more than me? Where's the fair application?

    FTR, this isn't meant to ridicule Drew. I'm tossing arguments in the mix for discussion. Although, I do believe they are valid arguments.[/quote']

    Why do they get better treatment than you?They united and stood up for themselves!You're the one whining,if you don't like the treatment you receive then go somewhere else...don't drag others down to your condition.

    Yes I get time and a half on Saturday,double time on Sunday,no I'm not in the public sector.I've just seen what guys working non-union at the same job I do earn,it's not for me.I have no desire to make some non-union boss richer by letting him/her rip me off.Stand up for yourself.

    Fair?Quess what,life isn't fair!I just saw where the ceo of trans-ocean just got a $374,000 safety bonus as part of his $5.8 million dollar compensation package.Remember trans-ocean?They're the ones who operated the oil platform that blew-up and dumped millions of gallons of oil in the gulf.And by the way,they also killed eleven men.And the CEO gets a safety bonus,now THAT'S worth whining about!

  16. The current issue of Rider magazine has a very interesting article on the roads in the Virginia,West Virginia border area.I've explored this area a little bit and Lance nailed all the good roads that I know plus many more.US250,219,220,33 and Smoke Hole road are all there plus some local roads that I will definitely explore this year.This route would make for a great weekend camping trip for Ohio riders.

    Some really nice pics too...as a matter of fact the whole issue has a lot of great photography this month.

    Great job Lance,keep 'em coming.

  17. Or the people he gave raises to in his staff.

    The amount of money changing hands will not change only instead of going to the middle class working man. It will go to the higher ups.

    This is just the beginning..."privatization" is nothing more than a euphemism for redistibution of wealth.The people that do the work will make less on either pay and/or benifits while someone in Kasich's circle will make millions providing cheaper labor to the state of Ohio.We will see only a relatively small change in costs.

    • Upvote 1
  18. Has anybody been down 586 from Martinsburg to 147?

    You had the right idea wanting to ride 147.You just have to go about 60 miles east of Zanesville to pick it up,but the esses going into Bellaire is worth it.;)

  19. Don't you guys realize what's going on here?

    This is a GENIUS ploy by someone at AMA to direct that vast majority of the AMA magazine readers AWAY from the good riding to save it for the rest of us!

    I applaud them.

    That works for me.;)

    One of the best things about S.E.O. roads is that you usually have the road to yourself...very little traffic.

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