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Posts posted by drc32-0

  1. It seems every time you look at the news you here something about this administration doing something that inadvertantly kills jobs. Now it seems they are taking on manufacturers head on and telling them their problems will go away if they use foreign labor.


    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/09/02/gibson-feds-want-guitar-woodwork-done-by-foreign-labor/#ixzz1WrU1IswR

    I see you're going hypocrite again.In another thread you supported giving tax breaks to companies that use socialist labor.

    What's Kasich's net job creation in Ohio,maybe minus 7000?

    BTW,I'm not supporting the posted decision.I don't support any decision that hurts American workers.

  2. Sapphy and Kawi Kid...I hope I do meet you and you change my mind.Maybe I just met the wrong republicans.

    Rod...it looks like we found something to agree on,"nevermind..."

    Enjoy your union negotiated benifits.I'm enjoying mine.

    Also,you're right,it will get worse,but dragging other American workers down isn't going to stop it.

  3. The hypocrisy is thick in here.

    Have you ever met a republican that is not a hypocrite?

    Everyone I have ever met thinks that they should be living the good life and everyone else should be their slave.

  4. Yep, you're right.... lets just keep taxing the hell out of the productive........ pour money into the pockets of the legislators who will tie them up in red tape, fee's and other expenses............ I'm sure once they recognize that profit is not important...... they'll start manufacturing in this country again! :rolleyes:

    Where did that post come from?I agreed with tax breaks if they created good jobs HERE.I can't see giving tax breaks to create more socialist jobs,but then again,I'm not a hypocritical socialist republican.

    Why do you choose the China model over the German model?

    I noticed you side stepped defending Kasich for his wall street incompetence or crimes.I'd appreciate it if you could give me some insight as to why anyone would vote for one of the morally bankrupt bankers that did more damage to this country than Bin Laden.I can understand voting for a republican,but not that piece of shit.Kasich and the banking industry are the ones that destroyed our economy,not unions.

  5. That all sounds good,but the bottom line is you can't compete with $3,000 dollar a year labor.

    Another thought...I might be wrong but I belief highly unionized Germany is the second leading exporter in the world after China.If unions are the problem,how can they do that?The problem isn't unions nearly as much as the greed and incompetence of American management.A perfect example is our governor.His last private sector job led to the bankrupcy of the company and the near collapse of the American economy.How was he penalized for "creating this business friendly environment"?You republicans put him in the governors's office.Even unions don't reward that level of incompetence.

    As for low taxes on the rich creating jobs...yes,they do create jobs.The only problem is they create those jobs in China and other near slave labor countries.The republican's socialist partners.You might as well keep the taxes up because tax breaks aren't creating jobs here.Now if those jobs are created here with good wages,then yes,I'll agree with tax breaks.

    As for all the benifits you said you had above...I still have those.So it is still possible to have these benifits.Will they last?Who knows,but they have already lasted longer than a lot of non-union jobs where the workers made less.

    You might as well stand for something.

  6. Actually its the union bosses who are donating the money to the democratic coffers in favor of keeping the illegals here. They are easily sold on the idea of unions, they vote democrat by a huge majority when legalization status is acheived, they work hard and move to the job readily. They dont care if this leaves a legal citizen sitting at home without a job as long as that illegal is paying union dues. Its the unions who have advocated and donated big money to the democratic party for the legalization of all illegals.

    It would seem the unions these days are less concerned about workers than they are about achieving the leftist, socialist agenda. Your union dues go to:

    legalization of illegals

    advancement of special gay rights

    advancement of tax payer funded abortions

    advocation of bigger government with more control of your life

    advocation of higher taxes

    advocation of the gov red tape that costs billions and send jobs over seas.

    abolishment of your 2nd amendment rights

    the list goes on..........

    I was a union member for 20 years and hated that my money went for these things. I finally got out and now I donate money in accordance with my beliefs..........to the other side.

    You might want to quit drinking the coolaid.

    I've worked in locals in seven states and everytime you hire in you need to show documentation proving legal status.It is the greedy(or incompetent) non-union bosses that don't want to pay decent wages or taxes that hire illegals.Unions are under a microscope,if the non-union bosses were held to the same standards there would be fines levied everyday.Of course,there is an easy solution to the illegal problem...confiscate the rescources of those who hire illegals,the problem would quickly go away.If they can do it to drug dealers they can do it to these criminals. The vast percentage of illegals are hired/exploited by law breaking non-union bosses.I'd be happy to wager on that if you're a betting man.

    As for unions being responsible for sending work over seas...go back to my original post,Longaberger is a staunchly non-union company.Yet their people could not work cheap enough to keep the work in America.How are unions responsible for this?I know this is just one example,but for the last 30 years(since the Ray-gun ad) the standard pratice of companies has been to go from union to non-union to overseas.I've read where the average wage in China is $3,000 dollars a year.American labor can not work for that.Will you work for that?

    Yes union people do vote dem much more often,but ironically I didn't see much,if any, positive movement on any of the issues you listed during any of the republican administrations since before Reagan.In the same timeframe the working people of America have taken a beating.

    Here we go with the socialism crap again.Correct me if I'm wrong...the large percentage of management in large companies vote republican.These same republican voting managers sent millions of American jobs to SOCIALIST China.They are now partners with socialists.It's pretty easy to see that republicans love socialism if they can make a buck from it.It's just when it helps other people that they can't stand it.

    Of course,being a man of principles you're not going to take any of the union negotiated benifits that you acquired during those twenty years,right?

  7. Why don't we just let the Chinese do the jobs,or hire illegal immigrants.That's what the non-union bosses do.

    Anybody want to buy a $15,000,000 house in muskingum county?Our local non-union boss is selling.As far as labor goes,it seems her local non-union help couldn't work cheap enough so she's moving more and more stuff to her socialist workers in China.What's the reward for her loyal unempolyed workers?Maybe they can drive by her $15,000,000 mansion and see what their labor bought.

    Ya gotta love those non-union bosses.Just work hard and they'll give you what you deserve...right.

  8. ^^^^ I think if a buddy from out of state said he's flying in and renting a VFR and take him out on the best motorcycle loop in Ohio, this would be it.

    I agree.This route has been about seven years in the making.Back in 2004 or 2003 Mike Carpenter(yamaholic on the fjr forum),from Columbus, started an annual ride called the spring ramble.Over the years several local riders have suggested roads and this is the route that wheatonfjr has created from the original route and all of the suggestions.I think he did a hell of a job!

    We run some variation of this route every spring or fall.Usually about 10-12 bikes from 3 or 4 states.

    The past few years wheatonfjr from Wheaton Illinois is the one who keeps this ramble going.I guess you appreciate these great roads a little more when they're not right in your own back yard.

  9. Jeez,where did all the republicans go?Throw a few FACTS at them and they disappear.They must be over at oxycotin Rush's place brewing up the next socialist Obama b.s.When you show them in a gragh exactly how bad the last republican was it's pretty hard to defend the same old repuke b.s...tax cuts for the rich does not create jobs.At least not here,maybe in their socialist partner country.

    Bush tax cuts,socialist off shoring and corrupt bankers(think Kasich) caused our financial problems in Ohio and the nation.It's just the facts.

  10. I think. Runs straight south from 146 to 60 on the north side of DF. Real hilly...

    On second thought you might be talking about Miller's Lane.It goes from Carlwick on 146,past the new Philo high school to the North side of Duncan Falls.It's a lot more hilly than Salt Creek.Salt Creek is about two miles east of Miller's Lane,it runs through a valley,nice sweepers.

  11. Barack Hussein Odumba, 2006 - "The fact that we're here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. Leadership means 'The buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better. I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America's debt limit."

    So what is different in 2011 that changed his mind?

    I take it you didn't see the graph on our debt in the Sunday Columbus dispatch?It was trending down until the village idiot from Texas took over,and then off to the races skyward.Twice as much spent as Obama.It amazes me how re-pukes forget the stinking pile of shit left behind from the Bush/Chaney cartel...and Obama is supposed to fix it all in a year or two?We'll be at least twenty years digging ourselves out of that mess.And the re-pukes want the same old dumdshit that has been destroying the middle class since the Ray-gun era.Of course no one is mentioning the root cause of all this mess...greedy republican C.E.O.s off shoring all those jobs to their communist partners in China.And they call Obama a socialist.

    Of course,the corrupt bankers like our governor didn't help either.

  12. It's good to see someone took a chance and gave Archers fork a try.I started taking Archers Fork last year when I head over to the 260,537,26,255 ride.It's a good warm up for the main event.

  13. Can't say I have a recommendation on tires,but I would recommend buying a No-Mar tire changer.From following a few of your threads I know you're a beginning rider.If you're in your twenties,and you like riding,you could easily have fourty years of riding ahead of you...thats a lot of tire changes!

    A lot of shops won't mount the tires unless you buy them from the shop,or charge more.Having a changer gives you the option to search the net and find some real bargains.I usually find tires for about $60-$80 below the Pony,that's before mounting costs.You're looking at saving over $80 per set change.

    If you do get into track days or dual sporting later on,a tire changer gives you the option of keeping a sticky set back for track days or a more agressive set back for off roading.

    Or,if you're like me,you just like to ride,the miles can add up quick...I average about 15,000 miles a year,that's two tire changes a year on the FJR.If I would have bought a No-Mar when I bought the FJR it would have payed for its self twice over.

    I know it might be a little early to consider investing in a changer,but keep it in mind...if you stick with the sport,it will save you a ton of money and give you a lot of options.

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