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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Bad324


    bullet get hot. bullet go boom. gun kills 5,000 people in 10 mile radius with only 10 bullets and gun control finally happens for the Libtards since their is finally proof guns can kill people without a person pulling the trigger
  2. we talking west side or far west side?
  3. its official, the Mexicanest person here
  4. watching the fox 25 boston live feed they have a house surrounded and think they may have found the 2nd guy holed up
  5. Bienvenidos! Sweet freakin ride!
  6. Bienvenidos! If you've only been riding 2 months, I would highly suggest changing your mind on being confident in your skills. When weather breaks I also suggest hitting the Valley area to start working on skills
  7. I just don't get Game of Thrones. We're 6 episodes in and I'm still grasping at what the draw is
  8. Even with a direct statement from him saying he would veto it, I still don't think I'd believe it until it happened so I guess I just answered my own question
  9. With that kind of knowledge, why in the hell do they waste their time on this shit if they know its going to fail or be vetoed? Why can't they focus on shit that will actually help this crumbling country?
  10. unless you LOVE (as in a sexual manner) sheep, you might have a hard time finding people in NW OH Bienvenidos!
  11. alright that makes me feel a little better. I found a website on how to disinfect stuff and holy shit thinking about all the stuff I'll need to do now is crazy
  12. So I got the call today from our vet that our new puppy has tested positive for Giardia. The vet didn't make it sound like it was a big deal and prescribed 2 meds for us to pick up today. When I told one of my coworkers who went through this last year with her puppy, she made it sound like a big deal Has anyone dealt with this before? Is this something I should be super concerned about? Should I contact the breeder and give her hell for misleading me? Should I try and get her to reimburse me for the costs I will incur to get him healthy? She did give me a 1 year health guarantee but I have no idea if this falls under that or not, I'm guessing it doesn't.
  13. weather report doesnt matter until 48hrs before at longest
  14. well between the rain and coming down with the flu, never made it out
  15. once they find the person that did this the punishment shouldnt be death it should be every single participant, spectator and family member of anyone involved in the Marathon should get to stone the asshole
  16. the treaty wasn't about banning the ownership of guns however it was seen as an erosion of rights and an intrusion of other nations telling us how to go about our business
  17. kudos kmart marketing people
  18. DONT PAY IT!!! Fight the fat man to the death!
  19. you cant neg rep someone without a comment, at least I haven't been able to in the past. I thought I was neg repping on my phone however the box just disappeared
  20. pay it and forget about it if its $25 so you avoid a bigger hassle down the road
  21. that will only happen when people quit riding ALL politicians nuts and realize they are all shitty assholes fucking up this country such as myself, I pretty much hate and distrust every politician and political party there is. If you're referred to as a politician, you might as well just call yourself a back stabbing, lying weasel as thats pretty much all I will see you as
  22. I'm in the boat that if it was a sanctioned terrorist act of Al Qaida or whoever, they would've taken the credit already. My money is on another nut job with mental issues where it will once again boil down to mental health being the issue yet every politician and idiot will just happen to blame everything other than mental health
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