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Everything posted by Bad324

  1. Bad324

    Chain saws

    I acquired a Stihl one last summer as an inheritance and been itching to use it. The new yard I have a few dead trees and a couple ugly ones I plan to get rid of next year. I've never used a chain saw before so this should be fun
  2. woot constantly has cabinet LED lights on sale cheap that would do the trick. I bought a few last time they had them for a closet in the new house that doesn't have a light in it
  3. just because your hillbilly eyes are used to shit and clutter everywhere doesn't mean everyone else enjoys it when trying to obtain a clean look. Think of it as a black tarp then
  4. There's a solid chance that for the first time in my life I might buy back a vehicle I sold off
  5. If all goes as planned, coming next year! Preferably will be a Vette however may revive my dream of a 4th gen Firehawk if I can find one
  6. Coming from a 2 car garage that could barely fit 2 compact cars in it, this one feels spacious
  7. And as you can see here is the 2 car side that I keep referring to. The large open space on the wall of the 2nd photo may likely be getting the 8ft sections of Gladiator gear wall that I scored for free from work but that's about all I have planned for this winter for that side.
  8. As some of you may already know, I recently moved in to a new place this summer that has been almost fully updated and move in ready minus painting and furnishing. Finally have gotten to the point where I can start my winter project a bit early....the 3 car garage. My initial plans are very, very budget minded so I am going to likely only concentrate on the 3rd, single car bay to start. Photo 1 below: Everything you see down the left wall of the garage will likely be removed. Either going in a shed or on the opposite wall in the 2 car bay.. That is TBD later once I play around with some things. The cabinets on the far wall I am going to paint black so they are at least a uniform color until I decide to replace with a nicer setup down the road. Part of the budget mindedness is that I acquired all of them in the purchase of the home (minus the toolbox which is mine). The plastic shelving units will be getting curtain rods and black curtains to make it look neater but maintain their function. Photo 2 below: I acquired several 4' panels of Gladiator Gear wall at no cost through my work so I am thinking I will hang those on the wall where the yard tools are currently hanging. Not totally sure what I will use it for currently but I'm sure it will come in handy over time. They are white now so the panels will get painted to match the wall paint scheme. My current flavor on paint scheme is to go with a nice bright red on the bottom half and a gray on the top half. Going with the bright red bottom half is why I wanted to go with the black cabinetry. Think it will look pretty good based on others photos I've seen. The runner up is to do the whole wall red where the black cabinets will be and the wall with the windows all gray. Haven't fully decided yet because I need to account for what I want to do with 2 car bay side down the road. Option A scheme means I will likely go with cheap black blinds for the windows. Option B scheme I think I would go with red blinds to go with the accent wall, though not sure if that would be tacky or not. The color scheme continues on to the floor where I want to get a Racedeck or other brand (not decided yet) type tile floor down. I am going to go with a dark gray outer ring accented with a red Block O type ring then inside the block O either black or the same dark gray as the outer ring As you can tell the current lighting is the door opener light and a single bulb so this will be addressed at some point with a couple T8 shop lights I'm hoping come from Santa
  9. well i was able to ditch work but it wasn't until 2:30 so just washed the cars and ran around the backyard with the dog
  10. How is it easier for dead people to vote than someone who moved a few miles down the road?
  11. Bad324

    Halo 5

    yea that is a complete crock. Didn't even know that was an issue until one of the guys I teamed with was telling me about it. They really dropped the ball on this version I think in many ways
  12. Bad324

    Halo 5

    I'm liking Halo 5 a little better now that I'm getting used to the maps and game types but still have my qualms with it
  13. The roads in that area were the downfall of my enjoyment. Could never get enough confidence on the gravely, tar snakes choppy asphalt of most Ohio roads to ride at a decent pace while having fun. That on top of the well I've yet to wreck and everyone wrecks at some point thoughts creeping to the forefront started not even enjoying scenic cruises. I do miss it from time to time. On day I'll have a bike again that's for sure though
  14. Everyone is always quick to blame marriage. Never think that it's possible to no longer be enjoying a hobby and want to make a change
  15. I bugged Likwid many times that he should get an upgraded tank like that but he always complained it cost too much to do so
  16. to this day one of my favorite sights on a Gap trip was following Jinu piloting the V-rod in a 1pc leather literally hanging off the sides of it
  17. Oh I meant buying used. I made $25k on mine and if it wasn't for my wife being afraid we were never going to sell it, it should have been $30k
  18. The nice thing is they are easy to flip for a nice profit. Basically doubled my house, lot and garage size for the same mortgage payment I was paying on that prefab The taxes however are a different story
  19. Silly boy. You never rode with Likwid have you? yes i'm aware it takes a skilled rider to do what he does on a V-rod and its rare
  20. My Aunt's house is a Ryan home and its probably 30 years old now with not many issues. Granted things were a lot different back then. If it's anything like a Pulte home, you'll have minor hassles in the first 5 years, next 5 years see bigger issues and then after 15 you'll be the major maintenance type stuff
  21. he can have that monopoly if it its bank rolling a Championship
  22. also this. He will tell you just about anything you want to know
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