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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. Go to apple, get new screen, stop crying.
  2. Is it new? I love mine rob
  3. I think the further we get away from that past obviously the better. Its not something I even remotely think about when I think of black people. Now I think rap music and Rhianna.
  4. i cant tell who is who in this rambling..
  5. That's heavy bruh. Real heavy talk.
  6. oh8sti


    I got banned from andrews other thread! They are putting us in solitary confinement on the interwebs!!!
  7. Lol I'm not gonna lie when people ask me how I get my cars and such. Every kid that has rich parents tries to say they work for everything they have lol I'm not hiding behind that, I'm also not a douche about it. Nothing wrong with being honest. I have been very fortunate to have the family i have and the ability to do what I do. God has blessed me. can I get an amen?
  8. But seriously...I don't know anything about the bball team.
  9. They are trying to serperate us! There is power in unity!!!
  10. I was too busy swinging on nuts to see this thread. It won't happend again.
  11. Powell or Dublin. Everything else is ghetto
  12. Great intro. I kinda like the car.....lol
  13. Prepare to be dick to ass with about 500000 meat heads, sweating, flexing and talking about getting so much ass and having complete disregard for women.
  14. Oh tease me with pics of your shitbox
  15. Hey kid, don't be like brendan
  16. I wouldn't know what he does honestly, I have to be in at 6am every morning to lift. I don't think he had to try out. I don't think they know my dad has money yet, so they haven't asked me lol
  17. i wish my dad was paying tress. Itd make these 6ams hurt a little less... haha they be tryin to kiiiill us in there real talk.
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