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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. is there any other way to drive someone elses car?
  2. idk about you, but i carry a 4 bore pistol
  3. .45 one shot, maximum damage, no more threat.
  4. i think josh and i watched that lol it was pretty cool
  5. 22 over 0.....mmmmm is this a riddle of some sort?
  6. Like really like my PT1911 full-sized. It whips like a fucking .22 cause of the compensator.
  7. Lol yeah about about to say, a tune alone would have been $4g's. I'll pass it along to some people I think might be interested.
  8. Was there any tuning done after the exhaust(is it just tips or an entire system?) and filter?
  9. Love me some kimber, the puppy and the gun company! Nice purchase bromato
  10. CR is great lol. I cant imagine loosing my bulldog she is too wittle to get wost :'(
  11. oh8sti

    Suicide Note

    Its a shame, he was a brilliant writer.
  12. why was my comment removed?!!
  13. Naw, been busy setting vettes on fire to collect on insurance.
  14. only lost 1 fight...by dumb luck of some el mehican. It wont happen again. If Dana White had the same philosophy as you, half the fucking UFC would be gone.
  15. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs831.snc4/69187_10150106986822468_547872467_7604163_1736795_n.jpg BAN HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. you wouldnt like josh's vette. its slower than your firebird or whatever the hell you got.
  17. Depends on where you read your info. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm jut saying it's hard to tell truth anymore with all these politicians.
  18. i wuold love to see a rematch so brock can get his title back. That or fight Nelson just to watch brock pop nelsons fat fucking gut.
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