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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. you wanna race your altima for fun? http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs724.snc4/64458_435892981204_641501204_5767383_8165891_n.jpg
  2. im curious as to what he search for in order to bring up this thread lol 'kill' 'nieghbor' 'dogs' 'about' 'my'
  3. it was stopped cause of blood...
  4. Sounds like this thread has been dead for few months...
  5. oh8sti

    F*CK the NFL

    The bungholes suck ass. All that talent and they still suck. Stop crying about a poop team. They don't have hillis this making them a lesser team. Go browns
  6. Lol my dads business partner just ordered an L. I'm pretty pumped to see it. They are incredible on the inside and very understate.
  7. Those things are sweet!! Look like a lemur
  8. Lol i don't want you kicked off. Andrew is fine I don't know why people get thier shit all wadded up about. I'd rather read his threads than another thread about someones divorce.
  9. lol my favorite character of this season is Erin the migit guy lol
  10. you cant kill a fucking fly with it though. 9mm is the perfect size for him/her as well. Very easy to shoot, depending on the gun easy to clean, and over all a great defense round if you need to rip someone up.
  11. Oh god i laughed so hard at that lol
  12. lol @ poor people with AMEX black
  13. 870 and an M&P 9mm would be a great combo
  14. powell is your answer. Its the new dublin. The schools are better than dublin too.
  15. Spoon full of peanut butter. Chunky peanut butter.
  16. `holy shit balls thats nice. Good luck with the sale man. Its a beauty.
  17. Clifford walked away.He is sore and has blurred vision
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