Honestly i thinks that stupid when parents do that to be the cool parents. When you turn 21 youll realize its not that cool anymore
Alex send my the pictures lol
im fucking sick of seeing threads about this hunk of shit. Now that i know its the same guy it makes me even hate him more than i did since he tried to pass an obvious fake as an original.
If thats the case, stay wherever you are, unless you come with cash and one or your 15 mk248309 supras.
Running for free is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard of.
Its fucking annoying to read your posts bruh. Did you make it through elementary school? Im asking a serious question, because thats when they taught the fundamentals of grammar. Like the use of a comma and a period.
Yeah that's the same guy that tried to tell me his GT40 was an original. Funny thing is the car had a stamp on it that said something along the lines of "made in Canada". I turned to him and asked what that was? He laughed like I was the one misinformed. Must have sucked when he found out he bought a 90's reproduction. That guy seemed like a chotch. Doesn't surprise me that someone like that would drive a batmobile.
Hoblick, I need my black A8L done. Like paint correction and everything. Can you pm me so we can set up a time for you to look at it and give me an estimate?
Great find man, that should be a ton of fun.
I have seen them on supermotojunkie for around 4k with low low miles... Not sure where you got 8k from.. New?