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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. oh8sti

    World Cup

    our dreams are still alive!
  2. oh8sti

    Free matress

    is it new? used? killed on?
  3. she looks like shes been railed by every dick south of Kentucky.
  4. gosh i want a rat rob so bad. I think they look uber badass.
  5. no, but i lost my virginity. Thats really bothering me.
  6. didnt seem like he was drunk? lol
  7. That's why I told my dad to get cable and satelite.
  8. Had no clue there was a new one coming out. I'll probly just chill with the 360.
  9. john works on their subaru tuning...incase you didnt know that.
  10. LOL Slow Loris! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9f-6jygRJk&feature=player_embedded
  11. he tuned my 08 STi....after 2 hour street tune, dude came back with food wrappers in my car from subway. WTF?
  12. call slowmotion, explain what the issue is, they should be able to take care of you.
  13. I like duellys with semi wheels, but not that low.
  14. White anything is fresh bub
  15. im waiting for white. looks fresh as fuck
  16. I bet you would think twice about playing soccer on the same field as me. My theme song was No Leaf Clover. Get some.
  17. oh8sti

    contract talks

    I'd say get head while you can.
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