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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. If you have a power grip like me, you don't need a wrench. The only downside to having the grip of a grizzly is when I go to beat the nun.
  2. jesis, it picks up on the back
  3. still should have gone faster than 11.0 bub
  4. oh8sti

    Beef Jerky!

    elk jerky... you need to expand your horizons if jack links is your shit.
  5. if you see this out on Alum, dont mind me, im just chillen. http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/12_03/EcoBoatPA1_800x529.jpg
  6. How are you boating before your born bruh?
  7. those boats look slow as fuck lol "Bobby thinks his boat is the fastest out there and will challenge anyone to a race, he just floors it." haha
  8. oh8sti

    UFC 115

    like actually broken?
  9. why was that bike so slow?!! you had everything but an arm on it! but yeah, a GT-R is probly good for that in the quarter. From factory and that price, out of the box thats damn fast.
  10. touche' honestly it feels just like a vag. Close your eyes, you wont know any different.
  11. Your on a bike.... Yes they are fast cars. And if your worried about gas mileage then that car isn't meant for you, like ^^^ said
  12. less theatrics as well. Some of these players are the biggest flops i have ever seen. They need to do official replays and expose those turds.
  13. rain is done till 7am. Goin out.
  14. take it to a store or maybe do it online
  15. What year and model of merc are we talking?
  16. I'll know to avoid that spot tonight when I'm drunk as hell and doin 120 on the chip in heavy traffic.
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