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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. dingleberrys are for retards and old people.
  2. i would remember. its the difference between a baby and no baby. Der...
  3. im not being hostile bruh. we are all good. im just saying hillbillies do that. i know you can get the stock injectors done at some places
  4. thats why n one can tune that car milluh!!
  5. yeah if your a hillbilly. plus it was said they were stock. so i assume they arent fooled with.
  6. i wanna just test drive the cars when they are done. Ill let you know if they are any good.
  7. i guess the nexy question is, how long do you think the car has before it starts to knock or blow death smoke?
  8. oh8sti

    Dear z28 leech,

    fucking gay boys. Jesis ^
  9. Umm yeah. I saw a movie on it once. It was called Longtime Companion. they call it the gay plague.
  10. oh8sti

    Dear z28 leech,

    who has a sweet ass?
  11. suck my man meat you degenerate fuck! I was agreeing with you by posting almost the same thing you did! but seriously, how did he make this much power with stock injectors...I was at 320/331 and out of injectors for my STi....
  12. why would you want to race OVR anyway?
  13. Im pretty impressed.....it seems like alot for almost no mods...and stock injectors.
  14. i bought a truck from texas, loved the drive home. Got lost in louisiana on my was the alabama to see my sister.
  15. why isnt there a pill that i can take that makes my swimmies nothing more that salty snot? Thats all i want. I bet if they stop trying to cure the gays of aids and focus on male birth control for about 3 hours, my dreams would be fulfilled. Then i would have myself some glorious unprotected sex. Plus i wouldnt have to pull out. I always wanted to finish in a women.
  16. send me a pic of your rod bruh. I wanna see your rod such much badly.
  17. http://sweettater.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/bandwagon_553.jpg
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