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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. You aren't 21.... You can't party silly Andrew
  2. oh8sti

    ICWT =

    Pics or fail
  3. Holy shit. 230?! That's some shooting
  4. oh8sti

    Fuck Thieves

    i am a very light sleeper and always have a heater within reach. I cant wait till the day comes where some fuckin thief makes the last decision of his sorry life and breaks into my house lol
  5. thats my shit right there lol. I love seaside just to go to the clubs and start shit with the braskis. God, what a bunch of losers. If you want to avoid them and still get with the hot girls stick around Lavalette.
  6. Contract security personel (security escort) is one of the best jobs and pays retarded money if you don't mind getting in fights all the time and possibly dying.
  7. So sad. A kid in Powell did that a few years ago, only I think he did it on purpose. It was ruled a suicide. Very sad
  8. How much are you looking at spending on a scope? That willl help us alot.
  9. is that shanton wrenchin on it? lol
  10. you get what you pay for with scopes. i have learned more than once that spending an extra $100 or $200 on a scope makes a difference between a kill or not. Nikon Monarch is a great scope for the money.
  11. oh8sti


    What happened to kimbo? I haven't been following since that horrid fight against Nelson.
  12. I love how they used clips from The Room hahaha that is a hilarious movie. Has anyone seen the movie Windy City Heat?
  13. i dont think a sane person is supposed to understand.
  14. they smell like smoke and booze, desperate, double chinned, ugly and underage thats what lol
  15. i got the gun in the pic. It will be here Tues. These damn things are hard to get ahold of man.
  16. i just bought a Kimber Ultra Carry 2 in .45 to carry with a crossbreed IWB holster. Its going to be tits.
  17. nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
  18. you can tell they are all from delaware. tehehehe!
  19. look for my motor at a salvage yard. They have no idea its built. Should be anle to get it for cheap.
  20. just imagine....God kills a kitten every time you masturbate.
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