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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. im also confused.....do you get the ATV lookin shindig...or the sweet looking jet car....fuck you can build one of those out of a fast ATV.
  2. i wore a bathing suit one time.....no issue
  3. where is my build thread? No STi love i guess.....
  4. oh and it has a 125 hit........tell the truth steve. lol
  5. That motor is severely detuned, i saw it myself.....it made 140 more tq.....true story. Cory knows his shit....hopefully when my motor is built he can pull that kind of tq outta my shit
  6. i bet someone beat the shit out of his dough boy fucking faggot face. Kidding, but seriously, im wondering what happened as well
  7. if you have to ask how to dress then you probly shouldnt go.
  8. F O P usually gets you outta tickets....usually.
  9. what the heck is that thing?
  10. oh8sti

    whats up

    are you for cereal? Where are the pics of this "worst" platform?
  11. id imagine 400 ish a car, depending on whats needed, seems to be the running rate these days. Dynotune may hook you up though considering your bringing 2 cars and a CR member.
  12. oh8sti

    Newb here

    meh, looks like....wrong.
  13. concrete can burn you? Ha i did a patio about a year ago and had that shit all over me......never got burned.
  14. ohhh shit. the DSM is that weekend?............... i dont have a paypal, thus i will see you friday when i come for a tune.
  15. oh8sti

    Saying HI

    welcome Jess, ask your boyfriend if he wants to lose to a trashed wagon.
  16. what is this world coming too? cops giving other cops tickets?
  17. wrx wagon. find one at auction. Friends dad bought one a little while ago with 50k original miles (2003 WRX wagon) great condition, for 8k.
  18. i bet you have enough naws on that thing to blow the intake welds off.
  19. Smiley had a car that looked like that i think.
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