Whoa Skippie the EVO 8 and 9 are tits. LOL in all seriousness, anyone that owns one of these car will help you make the decision that suits you, dont take advice from people that have never had either of the cars, they dont know anything. I have an 08 STi that i would be willing to let you check out and drive (its stage 2 though). The dealerships will not let you drive either of the cars. I bought the STi for the reliability, cargo space, and the fact that im sure Subaru will still be making cars in the next 5 years. I LOVE the way the new EVO looks, but it didnt make sense to get it with what i am using the car for. Stock for stock, the EVO takes the cake by a hair. Once you start modding, then it doesnt really matter, both will be fast and handle great, just one (STi) will have NAV and can carry a bike and recaro baby seats (i dont have kids, but might just to have the seats)