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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. If I lived out there I'd take off work and get this fucker
  2. Yeah I'm 100% sure he filed his taxes incorrectly. Idk who would hire this moron anyway. Enjoy that shitbox vette for the next few months until it gets repo'd.
  3. Is this the same roman that used to buy loads of subarus and Mazda at once and ship them back to mother Russia to sell? This was years ago.
  4. What's all over the barrel? Rust?
  5. The gun used is irrelevant. Those people are dead because they have a psychotic son and didn't lock up their weapons. He would have used a shovel if that's what he had access to.
  6. Im just saying if an AR was not used, we wouldnt be having obama cram this bullshit down our throats.
  7. It makes me sick that the liberal left used the death of these kids as a pedestal to gain control over guns. There was no AR used in sandy hook.
  8. Your not allowed to be in this thread. Go worry about what stickers will look nice going across your quarter panels.
  9. Introducing the Cadillac Civic!!
  10. Did I miss where they posted MSRP?
  11. Hey Kirk! Any chance you were at park street Saturday night finger blastin some chick in your vette and then drove home and got your GTR and went cruising around Columbus on Sunday?
  12. I cringe at what the base price will be....
  13. oh8sti


  14. Scott you can replace my motor when it blows up around 15k miles!!!
  15. PRICE GOUGER!!!! Just kidding. Good price Paul.
  16. Will check back after 7pm today to let you all know if it's sold. That's when I'm meeting the first buyer.
  17. I'm not really making any money on this. Just don't need 2 AR's and would rather put the money in a Tac Ops
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