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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. thats 3k below anywhere else
  2. and youll never get anywhere near that
  3. For those of you that get The Dispatch, twenty one pilots are in it. Pretty cool article.
  4. America loves the underdog. Romney 2012! Paul 2012! Anyone but Obama 2012!
  5. Ill vote for the candidate that bans political opinion on twitter. To even have the notion that a certain group of people would riot if "their" president isn't re-elected just makes me sick.
  6. oh8sti

    New CC gun

    That thing looks naaaaaasty
  7. oh8sti

    Kimber quality

    My 53% of 10inch dick doesn't need a $5,000 Wilson combat 1911 to feel thick and big.
  8. oh8sti

    Kimber quality

    Your Probly voting for Hussain Obama too
  9. oh8sti

    Kimber quality

    Glocks are the Honda civics of handguns
  10. oh8sti

    Kimber quality

    You shut you whore mouth KIMBER OR DIE!!
  11. oh8sti

    Kimber quality

    I mean I love my M&P's but they are no Kimber 1911
  12. oh8sti

    Kimber quality

    wilson combat mags. no more issues
  13. oh8sti

    Kimber quality

    Never had any FTF with my kimbers If you have strong wrists and know how to shoot you'll be fine
  14. Boren is a tank. He would run LB drills all the time. Unfortunately many times against me (I would get flattened lol). Being a good linebacker has more to do with your first 3 steps and how quick they are than knowing the playbook. I can't wait to see Zach lay down some pain.
  15. oh8sti


    abortion is all about convenience, not a womans rights to choose. You kill a woman who is pregnant, you get hit with 2 counts of murder. A doctor WILLING kills a baby in an operation because the woman is inconvenienced by a child, doctor gets paid and doesnt get charged with murder. DAFUQ?
  16. my question is do you think this woman has a right to file charges on him? Reason i ask is because he clearly wasnt threatened by her, he had the upper hand and took his time to get out of the seat and rear back and go mortal combat on her chin. I mean thats a brutal hit on anyone, specially a woman. Im not saying what he did was wrong, im just wondering if legally he did something wrong because he could have easly got up and walked off the bus or thrown her off.
  17. oh8sti


    yeah, babies arent real people anyway. They cant talk they cant communicate well they rely on others to function and grow Lets kill the retards too while were at it!!
  18. oh8sti


    Great read. If I were a writer, this is exactly what I would write based on they way I viewed the debate.
  19. oh8sti


    i thought ryan pulled it out tonight. Everytime biden laughed, or smirked just showed me how unprofessional he was. I want someone that doesnt laugh at issues they have helped create. I want them to take shit seriously. I dont know who im voting for yet, but i can tell you, Biden did not help his bid with me.
  20. Bus driver is verbally fighting with a lady on the bus. Lady pushes/punches driver and backs away. Driver takes off seat belt, stands up and delivers one of the worst sounding/looking upper cuts i have ever seen. Possibly NWS because of the abundant use of the "N" word. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhTq85Q0SUro3x38mr
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