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Everything posted by tyler524

  1. 12/21/2012 is the date not 1/01/2012
  2. Happy birthday..... I can only assume the celebration will include midget strippers
  3. I got another 6.5% out of them. I'll accept it
  4. My names on the deed,my bike and car share my two car garage right now. Her car is outside
  5. Think I might have a brand new one under the tree so the old one may be for sale
  6. I think he has my back. He has gone to bat for me and others before. I've had quite a few beers with him and some I'd the other guys that I work with. I am on my way to the other plant to take care of some and talk to HR while I'm there. Another guy that is getting the same promotion for another product line is getting the same deal. After I pointed my issue out to my boss he told me to send him in and he told him to decline also.
  7. I talked to the boss today. I asked him what my new workload would look like and then after he told me, I said that I was wondering because anything more than 48 hours and I would be losing money. He was confused and asked how much my offer from HR was and told me that they told him I would be getting a 3-4k increase. He started punching the numbers and agreed with me that the offer is way too low. He told me that I will be working 50-60 hour weeks but to decline the offer and come back with at least 50-55 hours a week of what I make now. I figure I am going to roll the 4k increase in and base it on 52 hour weeks and talk to HR tomorrow. He was going to give the VP a call and a few other people as a heads up to let them know what was going on. He wasn't even sure what exactly I was making now until we were talking today. I told him that I have absolutely no problem taking on the extra responsibilities but I want compensated for it and I don't want to cheat myself. He said he didn't blame me at all and wouldn't take that offer either.
  8. They will more than likely find this guy dead at some point.
  9. No bitchyness here but if comes across that way its because I've had a hell of a long day and still sitting at the office.
  10. I said I was going to talk to my boss tomorrow and see he has to say.
  11. I am thinking I might take it and then in a year hope that I proved myself enough to get a decent raise. I have only been here for a year and I more than likely won't sustain 55 hour weeks although its possible. I can almost grantee that I will always have 48 hour weeks though wich equates to about a 20 cent raise. I am going to talk with my boss tomorrow but I don't know if ot will be his decision in the end and I am pretty sure he has fought for me to become a direct employee. I just hope that I see some type of bonus check or something through the year.
  12. You pay strippers to turn them in for you....
  13. Was just making a point that there are other ways to deter someone other than screening everyone. I just used a dramatic example
  14. If people were allowed to carry on planes that may be more of a deterrent for would be hijackers and bombers. If somone wants to do something they will find a way to do it
  15. Atleast you get the same pay, I will make about 8k less by working 54 hour weeks which is on the low end of what I will be doing.
  16. Not going into management, I am moving from a mechanical designer to a mechanical engineer position and will have the responsibilities of a project engineer.
  17. Except the fact that all these screening don't catch shit. People will find another way around it and then after the dact there will be a new screening that you have to go through. Outage off your shoes because the shoe bomber but the only reason his plan didst work is because he sucked at making explosives, not because of some screening process.
  18. So I am receiving a promotion at work. I was all excited and happy that busting my ass is paying off. Right now I work through an engineering staffing service since corporate in Germany has had a hiring freeze in effect for a couple years. we have more contract employees than direct due to this and the only way they can hire direct is to create a new position. Our normal work week has been 48 hours since April and that is not ending Amy time soon. I have been working 53-60 for the last three months and there is no end in sight for the long weeks. I am being promoted and will take on quite a bit more responsibility which will require me to work even more. I am becoming a direct employee and going to a salaried position that is the same pay as I would currently get for 48 hours a week. I am going to lose money by taking this promotion but yet if I don't take it, then I get a big black mark against me. I don't know what the hell to so, I am darned is I do and darned if I don't.
  19. Your a bastard.... that image did pop into my head
  20. I hope she gets eaten by a fuckin bear
  21. This is an awesome idea, hell if you did it right, you could add the house onto the existing space. If you set it up right it wouldn't take much to get rid of the kitchen and all to just be like a big bonus space in the upstairs of the house
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