So I am receiving a promotion at work. I was all excited and happy that busting my ass is paying off. Right now I work through an engineering staffing service since corporate in Germany has had a hiring freeze in effect for a couple years. we have more contract employees than direct due to this and the only way they can hire direct is to create a new position. Our normal work week has been 48 hours since April and that is not ending Amy time soon. I have been working 53-60 for the last three months and there is no end in sight for the long weeks. I am being promoted and will take on quite a bit more responsibility which will require me to work even more. I am becoming a direct employee and going to a salaried position that is the same pay as I would currently get for 48 hours a week. I am going to lose money by taking this promotion but yet if I don't take it, then I get a big black mark against me. I don't know what the hell to so, I am darned is I do and darned if I don't.