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Everything posted by cclay

  1. Sorry to hear of your losses Brian! Can't promise anything, but you can come see who wins. Live drawing will be help at one of our retailers in Columbus. Likely Video Game and Music Exchange on Schrock Rd.
  2. Video games get pretty dirty inside...
  3. We make air filters for electronics and as we are launching the product line. WE ARE GIVING AWAY AN XBOX ONE FOR FREE. No need to buy anything at all. Just go to www.dr-bx.com and sign up. Buying a product gets you 5 times the chance of winning.
  4. cclay

    K6 Gsxr 600

    Hey, got to start somewhere. Would I myself pay what I am asking, no... CL has my phone buzzin, hence why i posted it there first. Thanks for your comments though.
  5. cclay

    K6 Gsxr 600

    Just getting around to posting my winter project. OR price $4800 http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/3772390491.html
  6. Just got some work done at RPM, Jamie is the man! Tank with quarter size dent, he fixed it and pc, Rear sets, levers, pass pegs; all disassembled, cleaned/blasted, powder coated, and reassembled for very cheap price! Turned around in 8 days with ordering a custom color to match my fairings! 614-771-7765 jamie@rpmpowdercoating.com 4704 Trabue Road, 43228
  7. Nice! Where and what time if we do Saturday?

  8. Hey Ryan,

    Rebuilding a bike thats been down, and the front tire is heavily shaved.

    I'm looking to get both tires changed. I already have the new ones just need them mounted. I live a mile away from ASK but they wont do it unless I buy tires from them???

    Is this something you'd be interested in doing? for a 2006 gsxr 600, wheels still on bike

  9. opinions are like "u kno whats" so here goes mine... You have a legit $1000 in parts needed, before replacing that engine cover. so lets say $1200 to be fair with shipping and such. easy replacements but everybody's not a mechanic, so another $300 in labor. by my count thats 1500 plus my time to deal with shipments and a shops schedule. majority of the market would want atleast another 1500 from retail to even consider the aggrevation. and theres no extras to make it more marketable than the retail price. IMO the only ppl that pay retail for a used bike are newbs spending their tax refund check in February, so I agree with 2tall on another discount but maybe only 1000-1500 so from these stats (kbb-8955, NADA-10400) -1500 -1500 -1500 4455-5900 would be fair price or trade value. Sounds like a sad story with no insurance on the bike. Any insurance company would have totaled that bike and gave you the option to keep it for 500 off your settlement. Most damaged bikes on the market are from that scenario and people parts with them for pennies. Also in todays market, cash customers are gonna tap out around 6500. Anyone with that kind of money will just buy a bike with no work needed or put that money down on something fresh off the lot. Me personally I would top out at $4k GLWS(T)
  10. have a budding looking... send me a contact number please
  11. with those videos, best ad ever on craigslist imo
  12. the 911 call has no relevance on specifically how long it was from when Zimmerman approached Martin and Martin got shot... I think its time for me to gracefully bow out of the thread
  13. need i state the obvious? come on guys really?
  14. We can sit here and dissect a 45 second incident(i'm guessing don't know for sure how long it happened), but at the end of the day, I don't know anymore then you know of the intangibles that will ultimately resolve this matter. If it was that cut and dry then there would be no controversy. To go to the level of saying Trayvon MMA style pinned the guy tells me you are way too emotionally invested in the matter to respond with rational. All the evidence has yet to be confirmed and my comments are only on what has been confirmed. Therefore I'll leave the convo be for you to figure out until the case is resolved.
  15. Hey i'm a logical person, and as I'v stated before, unless you were there you really dont know what happened beyond what someone else tells you! And from the report I read this morning and release may 18th, from cnn... I made some comments on what that report reads, and that report only. Murder 2 is not up to me and all that I said is he needs to be made accountable for his actions. I'm not a judge or prosecutor therefore I don't know exactly what should be done. But as far as the facts go... A kid lost his life and he had less control over the situation then Zimmerman did.
  16. Just read the story before I initially posted. I try to diligently comment, as I for one can't stand ignorance. At the same time, if I am wrong then I will admit that as well. Read all 4 pages of this article dated May 18th... http://articles.cnn.com/2012-05-18/justice/justice_florida-teen-shooting_1_witness-interview-person?_s=PM:JUSTICE
  17. All I'm saying is the guys not a hero, he did more then he had to. Let's put things into perspective... If its a neighborhood like for instance Bexley... There are lots of high value properties but it is also not far from some pretty tough neighborhoods. I bet any neighborhood watch VOLUNTEERS in Bexley are not chasing nor following any suspicious people walking the streets. But now lets say Murifield for example, I can see someone concerned and approaching a shady guy, and i bet the wouldn't be concealing a gun either. Difference is Murifield doesnt really have stores in walking distance for a kid to grab some skittles. Bexley does. So knowing your environment you act accordingly. 'Z' lol was advised not to follow the guy. So if M had the gun and blew Z's head off for trynna be a hero then what? M would have got away and Z would be just another sad story. Z had many opportunities to change the outcome of this situation. M however, did not. And if someone starts following you and doesn't announce themselves, then how do you know to stop and answer questions? How would M know he wasnt about to get robbed? "What are you doing here" does not disclose you are an officer or anyone patrolling the are. M poorly handled the situation in which he was not trained properly to handle such a situation, therefore he should have let the police do their job.
  18. Haven't heard what Al Sharpton nor Jackson have said. I don't support either of those guys.. My knowledge of the story is completely from CNN.com What story have you heard? not here to start a battle about it but if you have "facts" that i don't then obviously i'm not well informed. Although I thought CNN was pretty reputable?
  19. Wow... lots of opinions on this therefore I guess I'll share my $.02... This incident is what I would call pure job security for mass media communication. But they are not entirely at fault either. The fact is that the sensitivity of hate in this country remains highly unstable, therefore presenting a great opportunity for racial uproar. At the end of the day unless you were there as an eye witness, the best anyone can know of what happened is here-say! I myself am not exempt from jumping to the conclusion of guilty, although with the initial presented story, who wouldn't? The facts of the incident is a young kid lost his life! (notice i didnt mention he was black) Whether he had weed in his system or not doesn't make him a criminal. Zimmerman acted way beyond the duties of a neighborhood watch member! And if I was the kid being chased, I would still be alive! Think about it, if the kid was so shady? would Zimmerman really have got the best of him? Shady kids in my neighborhood carry concealed weapons with no license! That kid had no intention of causing trouble and lost his life. If people leave the responsibility of policing to the tax paid officers that are trained to handle these situations, then nothing like this ever happens. But then again in many cases they have killed innocent as well. Without knowing all the facts, I know enough to say Zimmerman is not a hero and in fact stupid for chasing down a guy(kid actually) who you have no idea of what they are capable of nor what kind of weapon they have. (again noting I didnt use race in any of my logic) The dispatcher advised Zimmerman not to chase Martin, therefore he should be made accountable for his actions!
  20. stickers are the deal breaker, would have been a nice upgrade for me
  21. any more news on this? im interested in the outcome.
  22. Got a 06 GSXR 600 that i may be willing to trade with some cash. Let me know if you are interested. Haven't taken pictures of it yet but I can send them later today.
  23. just curious as to what all you have. is there a website or catalog?
  24. dont ride in a group of inexperienced riders. especially if one doesnt have mirrors. If you cant see whats coming, assume its a brick wall!
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