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About Bodyman

  • Birthday 06/23/1969

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  • Vehicles(s)
    97’ & 09’ Electra Glide
    350 Warrior
    90 Kawasaki

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  1. Always up for a good ride, with like minded people. Pretty laid back. Like to feel the wind, and  enjoy the ride. The need for speed is not as appealing as it once was. Of course we all have those F$&k it moments!  My wife rides her own  

    Peace brothers and sisters. And keep the rubber down. 

  2. Welcome from Galloway area. Have a decent group of friends that we ride with. We ride to eat also! Have several foodie spots that we like to checking out. It’s always a good time. A couple of us are riding tomorrow
  3. I’m in the Galloway area. I have been inactive for a long time. But we ride all over. Wife rides her own also. Have friends that get together on a fairly regular basis to do group rides. Good group of people. A couple of us are considering a ride to Loveland area tomorrow.
  4. Bodyman

    WV 2015

  5. Just wanted to say hello to everyone.  Have not been on here, been busy with life.  Hoping to stay more active, and try to visit at some of the events

  6. I have an 09' Electra Glide, and an 97' Electra Glide. And i have not had any wobble issues.
  7. This year is going to be a great ride, and day of fun!! There are several new activities taking place. Something for everyone to enjoy!! Hope to see several of you there!!
  8. 4th Annual Biker Sunday.pdf Great ride, food, and friends The ride gets out of the city, and hits the back roads!! This event has grown every year, and is always tons of fun!! 107 S. Powell Ave Columbus, Oh 43223 MORE DETAILS TO COME!!! Any Questions Contact Jim @ 614-571-3481
  9. I love my bagger. there is nothing like being able to just hit the open road, and have the capability to carry necessities in the bags, and not having to worry about bungees!!!
  10. The Family Inc. AMA Social Club Will be hosting their First Annual Meet & Greet @ the Oak Grove Tavern located: 8340 Alkire Road Galloway, OH 43119 you can email me with any questions @ buckeyerider69@gmail.com
  11. Shopping for a newer model 1200 Sportster, for my fiance. Please let me know if you, or someone that you know has something up for sale.
  12. The cookout is free. We are working on the route. Hope to see some of you there!!
  13. This event is a family friendly event, and is sure to please. We are getting full details together for the days agenda. Please do not hesitate to shoot me any questions that arise. We are looking for a nice size turnout since there are several groups committing. It would be a wonderful thing to have OhioRiders have a presence there as well!
  14. My mom passed away. I just thought that I would let you know. I realize that you did not know her, but felt that I needed to let you know, for what ever reason. She had been battleing cancer for a few months. Just know that she is walking hand in hand with the lord!

  15. I always live by the motto -"Treat people like I want to be treated". Which also includes waving. To each their own. But, I'm just saying.
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