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Posts posted by Doomking

  1. It's kinda of freaky how the time slows down....I can clearly remember the blue sky, the grass,the blue sky, the grass,as I tumbled down the hill, the pinkie finger getting caught in the chin strap and breaking it(don't ask me how that happened...I am still trying to figure it out)...it's so weird how you can re-live the crash specially on the way back home if you are lucky enough to have any bike left to do so.

    I am happy that everything turned out OK aside from some bruises and broken plastic.

    I am also sure that this probably will make you a better rider,if not little wiser, just remembering the mistakes that led to your crash.

    Good luck ,and hurry up fixing the bike .....winter is just around the corner !!

  2. Funny how the guy taping is more interested in knowing Valentino racing position is while all this is taking place ..I would be like ..."Holy shit did you just see that? :eek: "...

    I guess that's what happen when you race at home in front of your home crowd.

    Glad no one got hurt, but must suck fat one to be out of the race right after the start....all that prep work, out the window !!

  3. Justin stop being a fag.

    I have a truck and a trailer, lets go, I have next weekend open, not this coming but the one after. I ll pick you up Friday night, we ll drive down, get wasted, find some hookers and blow, then go get your new bike and come home. Sunday we can ride.

    I'll give you $100 if you let me tag along ....:p

  4. DK, We all do that. No biggie. The thread nazis have been absent lately anyways.

    Hopefully you're planning on making it. Hope to see you there.

    Like anyone else, if the weather holds,I am planning to tag along the group ride from up here in NE, and come down there.

    Wife got Sunday off and home with the kids , so I am good to go :D.

  5. Nice recap...specially about the idiot with the camera @ Wendy!

    I am glad that no one got hurt.....just some additional work for Mike at Kennedy.

    By the way Justin...

    Does Greg R. post here on OR ?

    We used to go ride together while ago, I would like to see him riding, beside seeing him at the dealership stuffing his face with hot dogs :D.

    Just wondering .....

    Next time, if you guys go riding, look me up, I'll love to come with you guys (maybe this Saturday/Sunday to Cbus?).

    I tried once with Uncle Punk but the rain kept most of you at home.


  6. I have to agree about the going down....I have been riding for a while , past 30 years I think, and I went down few times. It sticks in your mind, no doubt. You always worry about what you mentioned....tires giving away, chain breaking, bolts coming loose, cows crossing streets, Amish buggy leaving horse shit all over the place...

    I am always thinking of that and I learned a great deal of my limitation and capabilities.

    One thing that work for me before I ride, particularly with a group is to check my ego at the door.

    Some people ride faster, some slower, I just ride in my comfort "zone" and most of those thoughts don't come into play.

    Also what worked for me to overcome the initial riding fear, was to switch from sports bike to regular cruiser.

    I bought myself few years ago a Yamaha Vstar 650. Little bike with little power.

    I felt very secure riding it, since I didn't have all the horsepower to get myself in trouble.

    With time I regained the confidence to go back to sports bikes and I am glad I never let the fear of falling again , take over me and away from riding.

    In the end , I understand if you need some time off .....after all there is no sense of riding if you no longer enjoying it....you can always get back riding once again, as soon as you'll regain your confidence.

    Good luck either way!!

  7. As the season is winding down, the low is 47 F tonight!:eek: ,I think I'll ride with the rattle until I put the bike away for the winter. In doing so I have to take fairing off and such to get to the carbs for proper draining.

    I will reassemble the bike next spring and I'll go over the items that you guys suggested.

    I will, for sure, ride the bike stripped down to see if the rattle is still present, and work my way back to full assembly, hopefully finding that pesky noise.

    I'll try to use one of those noise finding stethoscope, maybe I get lucky like you suggested.

    Until than I better ride little faster than 4500 rpm......

    Thanks for all the help !!

  8. unfortunately I got bad rep just because I expressed my opinion about a 600 cc bike post.

    Some have elected to disagree with me and gave me some bad rep, which frankly I really could care less if under my name it looks like a Christmas three.

    It's unfortunate that even though we are all in title of our own opinion, some people here feel that unless you share the same idea you are a less of a rider...just like you noticed the red lights under my name and coming to your intelligent conclusion.

    In the end the reason why I came to this site few weeks ago, is to ride with some fellow riders from time to time. And in fact I met some, and they seems very friendly people.

    I have been riding for the past 30 years mostly in Italy and lately here in the USA, and the opportunity to ride in a group with mostly sport bikes, is what got me interested in this site in the first place.

    It's remarkable that instead of offering a suggestion to my dilemma, only you are concerned is what light is blinking under my name.

    Maybe since you show all those pretty colors, you could use your wisdom and en light a newbie like me, to how I can go about to correct my bike problem.

    Thanks for your time

    Happy riding !

  9. I found that pushing on the instrument cluster ,reduce the rattle a bit. I am wondering if the speedometer cable might getting worn off inside the speedometer assembly. I only have 19k on the bike, and I never had an instrument cluster going bad on me.....I should strip the bike down to the frame and go riding, than start putting pieces back together, and ride in between every item I put back on the bike until I find the one that rattle.............if I remember how it goes all back together !!

  10. Hi

    I have a zx11d.

    Between 4000 and 4500 rpm there seem to be a rattle behind the instrument cluster.

    I took fairing apart and fired up the engine and rattle still there.

    Is there an easy way to pinpoint a rattling part?

    Is possible that in the instrument cluster some got lose ?

    I'would like to hear your opinion on this.


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