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Posts posted by Doomking

  1. Don't you hate that feeling going into a turn and you say to yourself....."SHIT Iam going in too fast !!!".

    Same here.... I had a lame ass turn and I ended up too close to the center lane....Bad Bad Bad....I was fighting my 600lbs anvil to lean more but I was bit too hot going in.

    Just got to learn from it....

  2. We always feel as if "it will never happen to me". There are two types of riders, those who have crashed and those who will. We need to protect ourselves reguardless of what we ride and how we ride. But when you have a passenger you are obligated to protect them. Taking risks with a passenger is asking to kill your loved one or family or friend. Not something i am willing to do. RIP and prayers to the familys.

    Well said.....When you have a passenger with you, it is paramount that you slow the fuck down and obey all the rules and be even more vigilant.

    When someone climb in the back of your seat, they put their lives in your hand. Taking additional risk, beside riding a motorcycle, is truly criminal.

    I feel terrible for all involved, but sometimes you wonder how some people neglect to realize that riding a motorcycle, if a deadly business if you don't have all the proper skills and gear, and more importantly KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS and don't be afraid to admit to yourself to it.

  3. I haven't sent Greg a message yet, but I figured he may have liked to ride with us at least until Rt 79/Rt 16... then he can break off and go find 555, 666, 669 or wherever he wants to go.

    Who said anything about cages?

    what I meant is, he makes it sound like (sarcastically) that we are not riding bikes down to Cbus, therefore he wants to go riding with the Ducati guy.

    That's a good suggestion you have for him to ride with us and break off .

    Hell.... he could make down to M&G, and than leave after a quick snack.

    Or we can all keep on riding after the stop at M&G and than make our way back up north.

  4. Hopefully noone has to be worried about pace, I didn't think you guys wanted to average 130 :) But I appreciate the "ride your own pace"

    I'll be at Circle K before 8. UP is it 82 that's closed or 10? I was going to jump on 82 and ride it straight over to 83

    8 am I am there ......You should be OK if you come west on 82. North of 82 on 83 is where president Obama is spending some money so the street is closed.

    Justin, as of right now my friend is still tangled up is some shit in the morning.

    If he does not make it tomorrow , I think we don't have to stop to Lodi unless we have someone else to pick up.

    Keep bugging Greg.... He says he's not interested because he wants to "ride only " tomorrow.

    I thought we were meeting at Circle K with our bikes and not with our cages....and we are riding to Cbus which is around 350 miles round trip.

    I wonder what he means by riding ony...

  5. The "WTF" effect can go both ways......If we show up with a good size group, than they might say....wow that was a cool group ride from NEO....

    If we show up like 2 of us , than they might say ...WTF is that lame ass group ride from NEO all about...

    I definitely hope we go for the first impression.....:D

  6. no, but once you get to the M&G, be sure to post up here: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=33634&page=4 so we can meet up at millersburg and go to the M&G it starts at noon and ends at 5

    Jbot ....If you're going to M&G ,we are meeting at the Circle K on 82 and 83 Sunday morning...

    Looks like the time will be around 8 am.

    Hopefully we should be at Millersburg around 9:30 --10 am.

    If you want to tag along with the rest of us, just monitor the thread you posted just to make sure we have the time and location nailed down so we can meet you accordingly....

    Hope to see you Sunday ..;)

  7. I am thinking about going also. I live in Brunswick, where and what time do you think I should meet you guys?

    I think you better meet us at the Circle K gas station at 82 and 83. It's a little north from you once you hit 83. Maybe 5 min...top ! So we can all leave together, and one less stop to do.

    Also Justin...I think your #2 route plan looks better. I think state route are a bit more friendly for everyone and like you said less chance to get lost.

    If we leave at 8 am, are we going to be in Cbus before or after the noon opening time ?

    Also I like the idea of cannon balling back on I-71 so that everyone can peel off at their exit and no chance of getting lost.

    If 8 AM is the meeting time at Circle K , I'll try to see if my friend with the Zx14 can meet us earlier in Lodi. He has some morning bullshit to take care of, and maybe he can reschedule it.

    So let's pencil in 8am as a tentative start and see what everyone thinks about it.....

  8. HW, come to this thread


    and post your intention....

    10 sounds good at Millsburg, but than we would be in Cbus before noon and the M&G starts from noon to 5.

    We can all ride from Millsburg to Cbus, and than if you feel to stop for a few min to have some to eat and bullshit a little, I think you'll still have plenty time to ride.

    In fact some people might come along with you, since I really I am there for the ride part, tits watching and little socializing.

    So lets try too hook up. we got few guys coming from NO already....

  9. Cool a good plan is taking shape....

    My zx14 friend is definitely coming, he lives in Creston which is few miles south of Medina. Good place for him to meet us would be at the Pilot gas station at 83 and 71S in Lodi , which is right on the way to Millsburg.

    One thing we have not discussed is time frame....what time you guys are looking to meet ?

    I'll bug Greg again about Cbus. Although I think he might be tempted to go with the Ducati people.

    As he was stuffing one of the several burgers in his face, he was keep repeating, between bites, the Italian words that I thought him, so that he can challenge the Ducati Old fart to a street race.....

    Dear god... I hope I don't sound that terrible speaking English as he does speaking Italian :lol:. He sounded kinda retarded trying to speak dego with the mouth full........jusk kidding Greg...I still love you:sex:.

    Few other people from NEO on other threads showed interest in going to M&G.

    Would be excellent if we can corral all the sheep and go down there as a flock.

  10. Ok to recap...

    Sunday weather looks great....

    Who's going ?

    I am with one non member friend with a zx14, possibly another one with a zx11.

    Justin..... I was at Kennedy today and I was talking to Greg. He's riding on Sunday, but I think is debating if coming to Cbus or go for a ride with few guys all riding Ducati. He also asked me to translate to him in Italian how to say: " Do you want to race?". :D

    He was asking if you were going to M&G and I told him that you weren't sure depending on the weather.

    I am sure that with some of your skillful persuasion you might convince him to ditch the 50 yr old guy on a Ducati, and ride with as a group down there for some food (i think that's all he needs to know ;)) and some tits browsing.

    Also I think that some of the Cbus people are meeting to Ip to ride together to M&G......maybe tagging along ??? ...just a thought..

    lets make an official count people to get an idea how many, where and what time .....

  11. Some people are getting together to go down for the M&G on Sunday morning.

    Also down in Cbus area other riders seems they are gathering at Iron pony at noon and than ride to M&G.

    Maybe we should go as a group to IP and go together to M&G........just a thought ..

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