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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Dang it Dale, why are you so far south? $15 transfer fee sounds sweet!!
  2. I talked to my fabrication friend and he cant make an exhaust, no access to a pipe bender. Maybe check http://www.thegsresources.com ? great site I have used for techincal info on my 82
  3. As the date gets closer, we can figure out the carpooling info for the north east ohio group.
  4. MY '82 will work, and pin-up chics........SWEET
  5. He kinda reminds me of that guy from Happy Days... This season, too soon for me to have a favorite.
  6. the Kel-Tec I mentioned earlier is a semi auto pistol in .22 Mag caliber
  7. Well, it is black and pistol shaped
  8. Fin feather fur had the base model for around $249, thought that was dirt cheap
  9. Thanks!! ( just to clarify, no intent of making a purchase on that day, but want to check one out and decide if it is what i think i want)
  10. Serious request, if anyone that plans on attending this event has a Hi-point 9mm carbine rifle, could you bring it? I have this on my list of " I might buy", and would like to check it out. Thanks
  11. ::Waiting for Chevy to chime in about the M&P
  12. well, that would make the warrior dash that much more fun-er
  13. anything remotely like this at TVP on Sept 26th?
  14. and just for the cool factor, I want to get a Kel-Tec PMR30, .22 mag semi auto pistol
  15. Bump: AK47 challenge on Top Shot now
  16. Speedy, aren't you supposed to be working?
  17. The smart people will figure out the meaning of my screen name.....it indicates I am not too creative.
  18. True on the "milk in a bag", and they have that "other" kind of bacon.
  19. The date is September 24th or 25th, to meet at Thunder Valley Precision Range, but looks like Sunday
  20. Welcome, I seen this thread at lunch and figured there would be a few more pages already on the first day.
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