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Everything posted by scottb

  1. I tend to shoot more in the winter. Less other things in life going on, so i can spend more time at the range.
  2. I should be in for this. I also have the 100-110 mile range on the old GS850. Fuel stops were not an issue.
  3. a quick google search = Maybe the ticket takers don't look at the photo on the card?
  4. Does the BuckID have a student photo on it? Or is it just a badge?
  5. Just asking, does most of the money we give to other countries actually make it to the people that need it and the projects it was set aside for?
  6. Note to self... next time my group of historical plate-having cruiser bikes get all lawless and stuff on the freeway, bring wire cutters to flip up a fence to make a getaway.
  7. Thought this would be a thread about female on a Gixxer.
  8. Those pitcher cups caught on: This was actually 2 pitchers, the bottom one has some snow in it to keep beverages cold Casper Pre-child: Nametag fail:
  9. I could be ready to go by 6:30, and be near state 8 or the Cuyahoga Valley Park area right over there.
  10. scottb

    I made the news!

    Thanks for promoting the cause!!
  11. I am in for this already........ Is Kawi going to sing another song this year?
  12. It looked like she was walking down a glass partion?
  13. Where the hell is Mechanicsburg? Thanks Speedy, 2.5 hours away.
  14. The standard heat shield will be free, but you can "upgrade" to a chrome Screamin Eagle or Ness cover.
  15. I won't tailgate you anymore....... BTW, welcome back from your trip
  16. ok on calling it off, I'll check the thread for the group ride on the 25th
  17. Waiting for Kawi's thoughts on this.....LOL
  18. This is pretty much how it goes, not that I have first hand knowledge of this
  19. I am still in for the 25th. If the issue is needing more people, I can get another 2 more people. Or was the range just double booked? Plan B, is there another place that we can all get together and shoot if TVP already booked?
  20. Ok, my turn. I was at work, got a voice mail message from the wife that a plane hit one of the towers. I thought maybe it was like a small tourist style plane. Then about a minute later, after jumping on the Internet, I realized it was a full size plane. As the morning went on, learned of the scope of what happened that morning. The wife worked downtown Cleveland and her building was evacuated. I remember there was a gas station ( on 185th) near my work that changed the price of gas to $5 a gallon. I got home from work, and all the neighors just got together and we socailized and agreed to look out for each other. The weirdest part was not seeing or hearing airplanes over head.
  21. That was the first time I met Bad, when we were lining up the bikes for the first picture, "Hi my name is......bike drops" LOST, you know you really want to lead.....
  22. "When: Saturday, Oct. 16th, Alternatively Saturday, Oct. 1st" Saturday is the 15th, unless you meant Sunday the 16th?
  23. While I was at the "sporting good store" I held a Hi-Point 9mm pistol. It realy does feel like holding a cordless drill. Heavy and clunky. I will eventually get, just to have.
  24. I know Glock has a solid history, just that everybody has one, and I kinda like the idea of a "metal" gun with the CZ. The other factor that I like about either of these, is the option for a .22 conversion kit.
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