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Posts posted by Raincheck

  1. i lost my only key for the gixer, so i called ask and they referred me to this locksmith in lancaster that will do it for 25 bucks if i bring in the ignition. its 175 or so if i bring in the bike on a tow. how easy of a job or is there anyone who can meet today to take this baby off? I live on summit and 13th off of osu campus.



    hey man, I live in clintonville, but I'm working today so I can't help you.

    the speed factory is on high street across from Giant Eagle, they'll probably help you out.

  2. So as I posted in another thread, I am going to be heading to Germany for at least 6-8 weeks. How do some of you guys cover your expenses until you get your reimbursement checks? I only ask because I will more than likely have a hell of a lot of expenses to cover while I am over there. I am hoping that they pay for my flight up front. The flight and hotel is really my biggest worry. It looks like I am looking at probably at least 3,000 euros for hotel plus flight and vehicle rental. I want to be able to have at least a decent time while I am over there but I don't exactly have a huge pad of money sitting in the bank at this moment. Also, those that have had to travel for a extended amount of time, do you get paid any extra or just your normal wage? I guess I will find out more information tomorrow but I am trying to prepare myself for how I will cover my expenses before I get reimbursed. I do plan on turning in my forms every week.

    The only pointers I can provide is what you may be able to do while you're there. I don't know exactly where you'll be and what you'll be doing but these are a few very good sites that can save you money.




    You can also hit up couchsurfing.com, I've found it to be a resourceful site in finding out what's good and cheap and what areas are decent. And I've met some really nice people that pointed me in the right direction.

  3. a graviton walks into a bar, everyone follows.

    An etheron walks into a series of bars, but only for a second.

    A photon approaches a bar, walks into a nightclub, and leaves a bar.

    Why did the chicken commit suicide? To get to the other side

    stop please. It hurt's.

  4. Clicky the little f icon over thar --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^

    i'm too lazy to post the link. chances are i'll be too lazy to add you too.

    It could have possibly been less energy to type the link than to type all of that. Just sayin'

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