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Posts posted by Raincheck

  1. I read this at 3 am. I couldn't believe this, it truly is miraculous.

    Castration is too lenient. I have better ideas, like involuntary sex changes followed by a brute force hysterectomy performed by kimbo slice. Or better yet, someone as sick and demented as yours truly. :)


  2. Alright, we have Kermit running, he's cold though, takes a good while to warm him up, but after that he's good to go.

    He needs an episode of nip/tuck and to learn how to properly grill a steak, after these things, he'll be a sexy lil dude for a first bike.


  3. I may have met a few a you at buffalo wing and rings thursdays.

    I'm Aerik's friend.

    Anyhow, this is just a short introduction and perhaps once we get this bloody Ninja 250 running correctly, I'll become more active.

    Be Well

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