Whats up everyone! My bike is in my avatar, im from Troy, looking for fun rides and new people to ride with. Here area some of the roads i hit when out for a quick ride local ride. 1. Up Polecat down Deweese turn around and do it again (very short) 2. St. Rt. 29 from Kiser Lake to Sidney is a pretty good road if you are willing to do some law breakin "speeding". I'm not talkin 100+ but a good pace. (not to long 10mi. maybe) 3. Fenner Rd. west of St. Rt. 48 then right on Rangeline to St. Rt. 189 i think it is. (short) 4. My local favorite is: South on Peters Rd. leaving troy to left on Tipp Cowelsville to 25A and turn right. Then left on road by Circle K. Follow into Tipp City then South on Canal Rd. through Tipp. (20 minutes) 5. North on Childrens Home Rd from St. Rt. 41. Go through stop on Lefevere and turn right on Leedes i think it is. Its the road on right on the last left hander on Childrens home road. The road off childrens homes has i think 4 90 degree turns in a row but be careful they are usually dirty with gravel! (very short) If you guys from troy or in the area are gettin together drop me a line and i will see about breakin out of the house.