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Posts posted by m0rtal1ty

  1. Thanks, and yep, still in the market. There's plenty of things out there its just a matter of finding something that's for me and more than a few month contract through a recruiter. Looking for a new job is in itself a full time job but this downtime has helped get some small business plans and projects together so its not all that bad.

  2. Square is cool; I use it and have no trouble or complaints and the fees are reasonable at 2.75% for swipes and 3.5% for manual entries. Shortly I'll be switching over to Intuit as they offer everything I need in terms of handling all the accounting and electronic transactions in one place. I haven't had any trouble with PayPal but there are many, many others that've had funds locked for months at a time, been conned out of cash because of a dispute, etc.

  3. Thanks for the responses so far everyone. No degree yet; I'm in my junior year at OSU. School is tough for me and the expense is staggering but I'm plugging away. Thanks for the lead flygirl; that position needs experience with a education/security protcol I've never worked with before. I'll keep looking at that board though for other stuff to pop up.

  4. Many of you guys know I have a few jobs. A week ago I lost the big one.

    I worked as one of the two IT administrators for an architecture company in downtown Columbus; a company of ~170 people in eight regional offices. About 5 months ago I and a few of my colleagues had our hours cut nearly in half. Then a week ago I was brought into a conference room and was told the company could no longer afford to keep me at all.

    Being nearly into my mid-20s this was my first 'big boy' job and my first time being laid off. I was always busy with a continuous long list of tasks and had such a large part in operations that my colleagues were in utter shock when they learned I was let go and are now paralytically worried about loosing their own jobs. I feel bad for my IT colleague who now has an enormous amount of work to deal with alone. Oh well. Right now I work weekends at the Abercrombie & Fitch corporate campus providing IT support for the associates and I work on small business electronics and photography projects as usual. It would be awesome if those jobs paid the bills since I enjoy them quite a bit.

    If anyone here has any opportunities I'm looking for a M-F position here in Columbus for another IT support or administration position. I have a heavy concentration in supporting users utilizing the general stuff like Windows and Office but also more specific design products such as AutoCAD, Revit, Photoshop, Premiere, and tons of other stuff. On the server side I've spent nearly 4 years with active directory, IIS, Exchange, and some of the usual MySQL, PHP, HTML, and automation scripting stuff. I'm open for chaning to a motorcycle-related career and I have a few friends who would vouch for what I would do to get there ; ) At any rate I'm a little overwhelmed with everything still and my focus is more cloudy than usual so hopefully a resume will give more details on what I can do; feel free to ask for one.

    Thanks for reading.

  5. Had a great time! I got slower as the day went on... which I never heard of before.. but it was still a great time as always. It looked like Kyle took some good photos so I'm looking forward to getting those and updating my Facebook with pics newer than the 2009 season, haha.

  6. Yeah, It was hard to get everyone in the I group; I rode every intermediate session yesterday so I only photoed the second half of one of our afternoon sessions. A lot of riders were pitting early throughout the day so I probably missed a few others as well.

  7. Best weekend of the year! I'll be there looking legit with my enormous camera lens arrangement on the 8th-10th and potentially at the track day on the 7th as well.

    My company knows this is more important to me than whatever 60 million dollar project we're working on so no one will even think about asking me to be in the office, haha.

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