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Posts posted by jayjie15

  1. I think Trich proved he was healthy or can play through the pain. Given the opportunity he will run all over the Raven's D. Browns are 2-1 the last 3 games and the Steelers and Ravens are not as amazing as they used to be. I am willing to bet they go 4-4 over the next 8 games.

  2. We got a ton of wind in Lake County/Willoughby. Power would click off for a few seconds and then click back on. The biggest complaint I have is that my satelite had to keep resetting everytime it went off and on but I NEVER LOST SERVICE! DirecTV, say what you want.

  3. I kind of hope they don't play TRich again until after the bye week. He has already said he isn't at 100% and we have a coach that is trying to hold onto his job. TRich is one of the most dynamic players on the team and we don't need him hurt during a 1-6 season. If we were a contender it would be different.

  4. Not gooeyz my bad i meant the melt but down here in c bus the closest thing we got to it is a place called gooeyz

    They are opening up a Melt in Mentor down the street from my house. I have never been. I thought you were talking about a strip club.

  5. I am sure that has something to do with it. Last year they couldn't even manage the clock or their timeouts and that doesn't seem to be an issue this year. Maybe Shurmur realized he has to much on his plate and finally started delegating some responsiblity.

  6. They are also talking Dungey as well but I doubt he will leave his roll on ESPN. Plus, I think he is way over rated anyways. Honestly, the last few games there hasn't been many Shurmur called plays where I am like "WTF is he thinking". They are actually making adjustments at half time which is something we haven't scene in a long time. If they win a few games and continue to improve I say give Shurmur another year.

  7. If they switch coaches I don't care who it is as long as they are a winner. I don't want anymore OC's or DC's with no head coaching experience. I would even be leary of hiring another college coach even if they are succesful. I would rather see John Gruden over Saban. There are some rumblings about Bill Cower but he will want to be GM to as well and I don't want that to happen. Mike Tomlin type guys don't happen all the time.

  8. Brandon Weeden > Andrew Luck, Comp% 55.8 vs 53.4, Yards 1519 vs 1488 - Luck has a better Qbr though, probably because of the int's from Weeden. None the less, as highly sought after as Luck was it is pretty funny how he compares to Weeden. I would go as far as saying that having Reggie Wayne on your team helps Luck way more as well.

  9. because I'm a constant negative nancy when it comes to Cleveland sports, they will find a way to give us up and blow it in the end :D

    I think I was the only one last week that had faith they would/could win. Everyone else was talking blowout. I guess expect the worst that way when they win it will be even sweeter.

  10. True...what is everyone's feelings for this Sunday? I think Indys D is not good at all, and Trich should be able to run all over them. Weeden should be able to have a solid game as well. I'm kind of worried that the Browns will play to their competition though.

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