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Posts posted by jayjie15

  1. I like a old lever action .22 Marlin or a Wincheter model 77 but a 10/22 is a great gun. Why, because they just work.

    I really want a lever action 39a Marlin but every gun shop seems to have Henrys and have "just sold the Marlin".

  2. Go look at bikes on Craigslist. This post is for a battle royale (pronounced "roy-al").

    The bike for sale is maybe a minor blip on the screen, at best.

    (Seriously, is there even a bike for sale anymore? :D)

    Hey the man is trying to sell a bike to get on something bigger. He is a big boy and can make his own decisions. I could care less if he is going to be a greasey spot on some road? I guess I haven't been on here long enough to understand why everyone else is so concerned and they felt the need for 11 pages of documentation. But hey!

    • Upvote 2
  3. ^^I've already got $20 we see Colt McCoy before the game is over. Not because Weeden is playing so awful they pull him (because he will) but because he gets stabbed by Ray Lewis

    Hey now, Uncle Ray Ray only accompanied the killer to the scene of the crime he didn't stab anybody. :rolleyes:

  4. The defense and offense looked awful in the first half and they were only down by 7. They had the ball with 3 minutes left in the 3rd with the score being 17-14. Typical Browns game, where they stay close enough to win just to make you waste 3 hours of your life hoping only to be sad. They are going to get blown out Thursday. Weeden is a statue back there when they pressure is on. Uncle Ray Ray is licking his chops.

  5. Thats the thing, that is what Holmgren is doing and he is supposedly not doing a very good job of it. He says himself he stays out of the football side of things as much as possible to not overshadow the GM and coach.

    Homlgren is an GREAT coach however its now been seen in 2 different franchises anything more than that he struggles with

    I became salty with Holmgren when he started going back to Seatle all the time and stroking them while he didn't step in front of a mic in Cleveland at all. He kept saying it was the coaches job to be the face of the organization but his ego is so huge there isn't anyone else that could be the face of the Brown's front office. I agree that Holmgren doesn't get Cleveland.

  6. From what I understand Banner isn't really a football guy but rather a CEO that runs day to day business. I don't see Holmgren being here past next season. I don't see the point in paying him $10 million a year when you could bring someone else in that can be just as succesful for less. I am also sick of rebuilding every year as well but if there is talent there and they continue to add more it won't be such a long process as in the past. You never though, everyone likes to bash Shurmur as a coach but I can't name one play from last week that I didn't disagree with. Even if they don't win more than 6 games, if this regime shows progress their jobs may be safe.

  7. If you are just looking for efficiency also look at condensing water heaters. These are considerably more efficient than traditional water heaters. And based on google there are even tankless condensing water heaters that should be extremely efficient. Still payback will be years based on the current gas prices.


    This is what I was thinking. Good info though none the less, thank you.

  8. I'm not the authority on home improvement but is your old water heater bad or are you buying this for the savings? The reason I ask is the initial cost of the tankless heater may outweigh any savings vs a conventional water heater. I think I calculated it out a long time ago and you would need years to start reeping efficiency of the tankless unit. Sorry for not answering you question but I am interested to see what other people have to say as well.

  9. I am still optimistic about the team like usual. If Weeden continues to play like he did this week and not turn the ball over I will be happy. I only counted 3 bad throws that he made, granted that 2 probably would have been td's though. There was the one in the first quarter down the sideline to Mo Mas that he under threw and the one over the middle to Gordon where he needed to put in the back of the endzone. I think the 3yrd dump pass to Richardson is going to be the bread and butter because it really does take more than one guy to bring him down. I think it will be a good security blanket for Weeden to become more comfortable.


    I was looking forward to seeing everyone's thoughts on the game today.

  10. Price is also an issue. She googled a few and they wanted like $750 for just a few hours (w tip). Was hoping that wasn't typical.

    Nobama 2012

    It isn't completely unreasonable, granted I live in a different area than you. Depending on what type of limo you get they are usually for 4 or 6 hours and vary in price as well. A Lincoln Towncar is like 2 bills for 4 hours and regular limo is like 4 bills for 4 hours from my experience. If you get a stretch Navigator or party bus then I would think 6 to 750.

  11. I have faith that Weeden will be able to sling the rock a little against the Bengals and get his first NFL touchdown. I also think that Richardson will get some holes to run through finally and have a good game. I am going to turn the tv off if I have to watch him run up the middle while running into the backs of his lineman and gaining 2yds. Although I know it is just going to come down to the wire and I will be sad around 3:30pm like usual.

  12. Powerlift like a champion, boo cardio. Lol, jk. Everyone just needs to stick with it and you will see results. I like working out around other people because you can see their progression as well as them noticing yours and it makes you want to go harder. In the end doing something is better than doing nothing.

  13. I've been riding every day since June...threw my back out this past Saturday, and the past two days have been hell...can't ride, and have to have my wife drive me everywhere.....:cry:

    At least it is now and not the beginning of summer. I am sure it doesn't make it any easier. I hope you recover quickly to put some more miles on.

  14. We could go on and on all day with all the things wrong with the Browns. I just don't understand why I continue to waste 3 hours of my life on Sunday watching them only to be dissapointed. They have to be the most boring team to watch in the NFL. Even when they win it is like 10 to 6 and the offense has no touchdowns. I guess we all just hold on to that hope that they will progress and one day show us something.

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