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KL9 F4i

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Posts posted by KL9 F4i

  1. Lol you guys bicker to F*ckin much but in all seriousness....I think Im sold on a rocket launcher w/ a bayonet on it (for close combat) for Open Carry...I figured no one could agree on a caliber size.... .380's are too weak to kill apparently and everyone seems to enjoy a .40 or .45 so Ill just go with the biggest thing i can find...lol i was told theres a gun show in dayton this weekend ...might hit it up and see which pistols my hands like and what is easy to carry for me regarding weight, size ect...my buddy has a an XD Tactical .45 that i found pretty easy to shoot...seems a little big for me to carry though..

  2. Happens to me all the time...

    My favorite occasion of this is when I looked up the road and seen a LEO at the next red light... I flipped my sheild up, blew the driver's g/f a kiss and revved the hell out of the bike like i was ricky racer....

    light turned green he took off like a bat outta hell and was immediately pulled over, I rode by at the speed limit and beeped.:D

    HAHAHAHA thats awesome I may have to steal that one from ya sometime especially if theres a leo up the road.

  3. Gettin my CCW here soon and wanted some opinions on some pistols that people have had good or bad luck with... I want something sort of small and not a total pain to carry around I held a Kahr Guardian .380 the other day that I really liked, but idk if I want a caliber as small as a .380...I like the idea of the Kahr MK9 which is pretty similar to the .380 i think I have a 9mm Carbine at home so i kind of wanted to only buy one size of ammo...I have heard good things about glocks but i hate the boxy look of them. I know its important to get a pistol that feels right to you and all that stuff but was hoping those of you who carry or own pistols could shoot some ideas my why of some things i should/could look at ....all the pistols out there are overwhelming and I have heard not all gun dealers know their stuff all that well. I do not have really large hands nor do I have small hands...somewhat average size i guess...

  4. While we are on the topic of racing, why do people with slow wanna be fast cars always gun it when your sitting next to them at a light....The other day I was riding and this dude in this hatchback takes off at green and looks in his mirror to see if im coming...I just dont get it he wouldnt have even had a chance in hell... Anyone else attract idiots when they are riding, idiots outside of the low IQ drivers we have on the road already?

  5. Hahaha its kind of funny you said this...Im planning on getting my CCW soon and I was thinking the other day of how funny it would be to own a shirt like that once i got it, or saw someone with this shirt on lol...If someone has access to makin shirts I would suggest doing this because I would probably get it ... however i would prefer a black shirt with big bold white letters Front AND Back

  6. Some scrubbing with lacquer thinner or some stuff called prosol...I work at a sign shop and we use prosol for getting glue off different things...and I know another sign guy that has used lacquer thinner on vehicles and has no problem with getting tough crap off...idk how lacquer works on plastic though... either of these may work? Haven't really dealt with getting super glue off of something

  7. Creatine is not remotely hormonal. I've never seen any data that even remotely suggests it can cause depression, anger, or aggression. If that's a possible side-effect, that's certainly news to me...)

    It varies amongst users one persons body reacts differently than another...I just did a quick research and its definitely online just do a quick google search...Idk what caused it and by no means am i saying youre wrong I personally no longer take supplements i just physically feel better with out them.... I tried a bunch of stuff simply because im not the biggest guy around and I have such a fast metabolism its pretty difficult for me to put on much weight. The whole supplement thing just isnt for me I guess.

  8. I used to use creatine and some of the other protein powder shakes, I primarily used the GNC brands... watch for ingredients you don't need. Also, make sure they stay hydrated. If you need any advice on programs or lifting schedules let me know.. I was a competitive power lifter before I injured my shoulder... I can get the boys max bench up in a matter of weeks, as well as their leg press. also I can write up a food schedule to go with the workout schedule...I can have them up to weight before summer practice comes..

    I used to take creatine as well...also messed up my shoulder by convincing myself i could max out more than my body could handle...I also went through a weird stage of anger and depression when I stopped taking it...IMO stick with natural foods good carbs and lean meats and protiens and you will be good...i know plenty of physical trainers and boxers who avoid all the supplement b.s. And perform as well if not better than those on supplements...im not saying supplements don't work at all I just found it's easier and cheaper to avoid supplements

  9. I laugh when the news shows the grocery packed with ppl getting bread and water I mean WTF people think we are going to be stranded for days? People freak out waaaay too much these days I'm not going to be a puppet of the media and freak out at every little thing the say.

  10. I have had this stuff pumped into my ears too... it almost kept me from getting a bike...but shit am I glad i got one (Mom was on my side she didnt like the idea but she did understand I wanted to have fun and live life...Imagine that?!) Both of my parents supported my decision though. Riding has provided me with so much happiness and fun. Unfortunately some people refuse to have an open mind towards riding. I work for a small company and my boss told me if I get a bike he will I quote "take a life insurance policy out on my ass" needless to say he has been somewhat of a 2nd father figure so it was kind of hard for me to go against him..But i did and they still do not know I ride and what really pisses me off is that when i first started working there HE had a bike! I guess he had a scare that made him sell it, his said he never had time to ride so IDK?! Both could be believable scenarios...I have learned that respect the ride, be alert and dont bite off more than you can chew and you are alright!

  11. S.O.B. TOOL:

    Any handy tool that you grab and throw across the garage while

    yelling 'Son of a B****' at the top of your lungs. Used in

    conjunction with any of the other tools and processes above. It is

    also, most often, the next tool that you will need right afterwards

    HAHA Awesome and so true

  12. OK I'll bite. WTF is goetta?

    lol Didnt really know how to explain it so i went ahead and googled the word goetta second option was " Goetta Cincinnati" but heres Wikipedias Definition:

    Goetta is a peasant food of German origin that is popular in the greater Cincinnati area. It is primarily composed of ground meat and oats. Pronounced gétt-aa, ged-da or get-uh.

    FUN FACT: Goetta was originally a peasant dish, meant to stretch out servings of meat over several meals to conserve money.

    The modern popularity of goetta in Cincinnati has led to it being called "Cincinnati Caviar". <<<Definitely needs to make the " Your'e from Ohio list"

  13. Coolest thing in the picture is the rug. What was even the point of that rug? Isnt there carpet underneath the rug to begin with?... Maybe Im just being ignorant and not to discredit the guy who did the work on the bike because im sure it took some time and money but some guy on CBRForum made a way better transformers bike that looks badass without including an optimus prime hood ornament.


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