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KL9 F4i

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Posts posted by KL9 F4i

  1. Too bad the people who are supposed to be smart and run the country dont understand anything and are selfish and ignorant...the PEOPLE can govern themselves better...but thats on its way down the drown unless we have a Revolution which would be awesome.

  2. Haha thanks man! nah its all good When you guys took off on turn one after the last stop at shell I about died although it did find that i rode better "trying" to keep up with you guys i was way more focused lol if you know them thank the dude who hung in the back with the vengance jacket on so i didnt get lost and the guy who i followed home down 75 ...swear i wont be such a noob to the roads pain in the ass next time ...yeah calipers are tight lol thanks again im sure ill see you around...ill probably take you up on that bike check....i need a few things looked over and im always down to learning new stuff

  3. Hey everyone new to this forum... obviously.... pretty new to riding. I may have rode with a few of you this past sunday. I know I've met Darius he told me about this site (thanks darius, glad you made it home alright lol) and thank you serpentracer from the junkies for leading the way to shell haha ...Im also a member over at cbrforum and assfaultjunkies so i figured why not come on over here and see whats going on at ohio riders! hope to meet some of you soon enough and hopefully by soon I mean at the Junkies Bike Night! Laterrrr.

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