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Posts posted by bowdog

  1. for the time being no. this is just eliminating the PC as the source of the problem. if it still runs like you're saying after unplugging and reconnecting the OEM plugs, then plug the PC back in as you've eliminated the source.

    Thank you, i wont be able to try to at best tomorrow night, but i will eliminate the PC and go from there. Any other suggestions or someone that can look at for me is greatly appreciated. I hate the fact that my bike is sick right now!!! :cry:

  2. Suzuki>Yamaha

    I dislike Yamaha with a passion, I haven't had a single positive experience with one yet.

    I know my Yamaha is not the quality that your 73 CB 500 is but i really like it and this is the first problem i have had and the third one i have owned so i think i would like to fix it!!! :rolleyes::D

  3. Thanks i actually just replaced the plugs before posting and had no change, bike also is running full system with velocity stacks and power commander so could be there too? Really not sure and the problem is i dont have the time to trial and error this because of work, anyone interested in doing the work? I will pay cash.

    I will try running the injector cleaner through it this week and see if there is a change. Any one in general i should use or just a normal injector cleaner from advance?

  4. I have a bad miss or something in my R6 that only acts up when it wants to but is now getting worse... When riding hard I will come to stop lights and the RPM's will bounce from 1800 down to almost zero and try to stall but when i rev the motor it goes back to normal (sometimes), never had a problem when RPM's are up until last night. was riding home and at about 4,000 RPM's the bike started to sputter and the RPM's started fluctuating again. Talked with CarWhore last night at the house and he was saying maybe Lancaster Cycles to look at it, does anyone here have a good place i should try or better yet does someone here that knows what they are doing want to look at? I will pay to have this done i just want my bike right and i dont have time with my work schedule to disect this. Maybe something as simple as a vacuum leak i realy dont know???? Please help!!

  5. Will briar Cliff be doing the treasure hunt and things again that weekend? That was a good time last year and you were able to win a Go Pro if you were lucky enough to find the right paper clip out in the woods... had other good stuff too, i won a pair of goggles last year. If both events going on i would get there early becasue last year it was full about ten.

  6. tread lightly, if she lived there and can prove it (mail, bills, ect) you can't just lock her out if she does not want to go. You have to go through an eviction process.

    This is very true!! If she has mail coming there and wants to really push the issue she can file all sorts of shit against you in court if you do not properly evict her. Personally i will file the eviction if you are serious and not tell her about it until it becomes and issue where you need it.

  7. "Hey bro, I found your iPod in my car -- I know we had a falling out and there's still $50 you owe me, but I'm going to give this back to you because I'm hoping we can turn a new leaf, you'll repay your debt to me, and we can be bros again"

    OP tosses iPod at feet of ex-bro

    ex-bro looks puzzled @ OP's dick move, but goes to pick it up anyway

    BAM! Knee to the face! Then megaSTOMP on the iPod!

    Leave while laughing.



  8. the ride i took out to colorado didnt bug me too much, the second half of day two i started to get bored but a lot of it has to do with the journey to get there. i really did enjoy myself on my way out there. i did just under 700 miles the first day and a just over 500 the second and really did have a good time. i didnt think i would have as much fun as i did. but it was nice.

    :eek: on a 600RR??? :bow:

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