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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. http://ww1.prweb.com/prfiles/2008/02/18/194854/mainBuickEnclave575x351.jpg
  2. http://www.orbitcast.com/archives/2009_chevrolet_traverse.jpg
  3. http://fp.images.autos.msn.com/merismus/gallery/c464082a.jpg
  4. Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you
  5. https://market.android.com/developer?pub=Gameloft FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!!! All Gameloft Games on Android at $0.99!! Modern Combat 3 will ALSO be on sale, but only for 24 hours. Follow us on facebook.com/gameloft or twitter.com/gameloft to know when Modern Combat 3 drops to $0.99. Meanwhile check out which other games we have on sale: Asphalt HD: http://bit.ly/oDSUCi BackStab HD: http://bit.ly/iTZGwI Block Breaker 3 Unlimited HD: http://bit.ly/qwQwHz Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus: http://bit.ly/lPGFej N.O.V.A. 2 HD: http://bit.ly/lMgDCF Order & Chaos Online: http://bit.ly/kamM2s 9mm HD: http://bit.ly/q3GcWP Diamond Twister 2: http://bit.ly/qIRYrU UNO™: http://bit.ly/ojfgNN Platinum Solitaire 3: http://bit.ly/qpkw1s Cowboys & Aliens: http://bit.ly/rqsI7G Texas Hold'em Poker 2: http://bit.ly/pcLUos Skee-Ball: http://bit.ly/nfnCxf The Adventures of Tintin HD: http://bit.ly/uCd8M1 Assassin’s Creed® Revelations: http://bit.ly/u1WvC6 Driver San Francisco: http://bit.ly/upAtlK Immortals : http://bit.ly/tZlekX Where's Waldo Now?™: http://bit.ly/veYe2A Assassin's Creed™: http://bit.ly/ig0GsI Midnight Bowling 2: http://bit.ly/vVDqvK Platinum Sudoku®: http://bit.ly/vjS5w2
  6. Yup, Love to give & receive gift cards. It's like purposeful cash. You give someone cash, they might squirrel it away. A gift card allows them to spend $$ on themselves without feeling bad.
  7. Better than living in a broke-dick LT1 with 6 kids. :fa:
  8. 3 Bedroom Mansion... :no: Anthony has driven the S4, and he liked it. Eat an inflamed herpes hitler dick. Let the hate of the past be forgiven. Who doesn't love the jewish community today?
  9. Yes, but point being, I could just as easily show up in this: http://riceorama.com/images/2009/feb/BMW_CIV_0.jpg
  10. :dumb: http://riceorama.com/images/2009/feb/BMW_CIV_0.jpg Just so we're clear, I'm not hating on any manufacturer at all. I like all cars, but am particularly fond of BMW, Audi, & MB. Ehh
  11. Crashing worlds? You are comparing my respectful 4 door sedans to the VW Ricers who run around throwing sparks out of their bagged rides because it's cool? Just so we're clear (double checked to be clear). Able to attend "Timmayfest": 18-22 Year old guys with: 318 / 325 / 328 with wheels & drop. Unable to attend "Timmayfest": 30+ Year old with S4, S5, A6, S6 S8, Ect. Yes, thank god we don't allow these hooligans in to ruin the show. :dumb: It's your show, and by all rights, make you can make up your own rules. Wow..
  12. It's just an Audi, I guess that doesn't fall into the cool enough club for you guys. :no: Perhaps you can go slumming and come out to a CR track day with your S/C M5 and play? Maybe one of your butlers can come and clean the car in between runs ?
  13. http://halfsigma.typepad.com/photos/big_mike/hebrew_hammer.jpg
  14. Slightly under the radar racial joke. :lolguy:
  15. I directed nothing at his car you f-body driving, 40 hour a week working hilljack. wait....
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