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Posts posted by Fazerlady

  1. Event Name

    Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club - Fisher House Benefit Ride/Poker Run

    Event Date/Time

    Saturday, October 6, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM


    Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club

    Event Type

    Poker Run

    Event Description

    The Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club invites you to our very first fund raiser. We are excited to have this opportunity to give back to the community by supporting a fantastic organization, the Fisher House.

    The Fisher House provides an opportunity for military families to stay together and support each other when a loved one is undergoing medical treatment. The Fisher/Nightingale Houses provide physical and emotional support to our servicemen and servicewomen. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base has a Fisher House and they have helped thousands of families since opening their doors in 1994. They operate at near full occupied nearly 100% of the time.

    We will take you on a ride through some of Southern Ohio's most scenic areas just in time for the trees to begin to change colors. Please come join us by spreading the word and coming along for the ride.

    Start at Troy Racing, 3 stops and then ends at Buckmann's D&D in Xenia

    Registration at 10:00 AM - Last Bike Out at 11:00 AM

    Registration $20 Per Rider - $10 Per Passenger

    Last Bike In at 4:00 PM / Prizes at 5:00 PM

    Poker Hands: 1st/2nd/3rd - 15% / 10% / 5% of benefit money raised

    Door Prizes

    50 / 50


    Start at 'Troy Racing' in Beavercreek Ohio

    GPS 1: 39.722719, -84.064422


    GPS 2: +39° 43' 21.79", -84° 3' 51.92"

    Address: 3415 Seajay Drive

    City: Beavercreek

    State: OHIO

    Zip: 45430

    Email 88mdg.mmc@wpafb.af.mil


  2. buildit...it is not the lowlifes I am concerned with, it is the people that HAVE worked all their lifes, that got laid off, people in between jobs etc, that won't qualify for Caresource, but can't afford any other type of insurance.

    People don't see the whole picture, the people that don't want to work ALL HAVE CARESOURCE already. President OBAMA is trying to help the people that deserve the help, the people in between. Get it right people!!!

  3. Scruit, you are speaking from my heart.

    I have never had anything to worry about in Germany. (Before you all start, the military stationed us here, that is why we're here)

    When I was sick, I went to the doctor, I got treated, I got better. Never had to pay a dime, no copay, no deductible, nothing. THAT IS WHAT INSURANCE IS FOR! DUH!

    I don't get this capitalistic way of living.

    And yes, change is so hard. I admit it, I am democratic at heart, because of the country I come from. I do understand what the president is trying to do.

    Another thing I cannot stand here is they way they campaign. It disgusts me! It is lame and the low blow commercials on either side make me wanna puke! They just look ridiculous in my eyes. The way the Repukes were doing jokes about the president is just sad. He is your elected official of this country. How are children supposed to learn respect, if the majority of the adults cannot respect authority????

    THis year is the first year I can vote in this country, but I might choose not to.

    That is something that is different in Germany also, you cannot publicly ruin ones reputation. It is not allowed. All they do is tell the public what they will change and how they will do it. (something you don't hear here either)

  4. People do die because of insurance companies freedom, because Insurance companies won't insure you if you have pre-existing conditions, if they do, the deductible is $5000 a year and the premiums are insane, something nobody can afford.

    In Germany insurance companies have to abide by guidelines and are NOT allowed to turn you away for a pre-existing condition.

    I work in healthcare and it pains me to see sick people, poor and middle class or people that lost their job and their health insurance and they can't afford their $100 inhaler to enable them to breath, or they can't go see the doctor because they can't afford it.

    So these sick people will eventually succumb to their chronic diseases and in NO country should this happen.

    The USA is the one of the worst in healthcare in the western world amongst other things.

  5. Nope, still here... never had the heart to sell the baby. :o

    We went from Xenia to Wilmington, Hillsboro, Waverly and then back up to Dayton...Hubby did the route, I don't know exactly so I don't want to post anything but if you look those markers up you are in for a fun 210 mile ride.


    This was the longer route he wanted to do, but was over 300 + miles, too much for my butt!


  6. Hubby and I will be there next time...

    We went on a great 6 hour ride last weekend. From Dayton down to Waverling...best roads I have seen here in the 3 years we've lived here. Almost all of the 210 miles were brandnew roads, lots of twisties...absolutely loved it, and that means something when I am not disappointed coming back from a ride.


  7. Sad (b/c a human life was lost), but not shocked!!!

    Extremely saddened and shocked about all the ppl killed in Norway though! Teenagers murdered, saw footage earlier with some floating in the sea! Now that is tragic and I feel for the families that have been devastated by this!

  8. So the cop was uneasy about someone carrying a concealed weapon, if he gets that bent out of shape he damn sure should not be out there with a gun himself.

    I mean, come on, this guy was totally sedative - what would the cop have done if the driver would have been the confrontational type or the driver would have gotten mouthy??

    And all that cussin was so unnessecary!!! UGH I can't stand ppl that can't get their point accross without every second word beeing a cuss word!!! I wonder what his wife goes through, IF he is married....lol

  9. § 229 StGB Fahrlässige Körperverletzung

    Wer durch Fahrlässigkeit die Körperverletzung einer anderen Person verursacht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.


    He, who causes bodily injury to another person because of negligence will be sentenced to Prison up to 3 yrs or monetary penalty.

    § 222 StGB Fahrlässige Tötung

    Wer durch Fahrlässigkeit den Tod eines Menschen verursacht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.

    He, who causes death of a person because of negligence will be sentenced to a prison up to 5 yrs or monetary penalty.

    If it is a first time offense the offender can get probation, but if alcohol is involved it will most likely be a jail sentence.

  10. Here is one:

    In Augsburg a drunk driver with 1.78 promille (german is a different measuring unit) would be 0.178 % here in the US, caused an accident that killed an elderly couple as his car hit theirs and they were pushed under an 18 wheeler. He got sentenced for negligent manslaughter and got 16 months in prison, and 30 months revoked license.

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