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Posts posted by Fazerlady

  1. Would it be worth it for an American to move their? I hear Europe is a great place to visit... not live... though if I picked any country to move to it'd be


    Well, I think all of the american military guys that want to stay there are proof that it is worth living there... :-)

  2. Also, all in all we paid $2400 for the planetickets for the dogs to fly over to the US with us...plus extra hotel fees for 7 weeks and 3 weeks of kenneling...all in all they cost us about $4000 during our move to the states...just thought I'd mention that on the side...;-)

  3. I have 3 large dogs... now they are older 6,7, and 10 and they have calmed down a lot. Well, it actually takes the first 2 years for most breeds to settle down. When they were that young I used to come home to ripped up couches, toiletpaper ripped up all over, torn up shoes and underwear...etc.. Now I laugh about it, because we have made it all together through this.

    Dogs love and andore their master, and really all they want is to please. Puppies need guidance and once they figured out what you want from them, you will have fun and feel content.

    Do you have a garage? If you do, and it is not insulated, go ahead and insulate it. Make them a nice area and they can stay in there while you are gone. That is what I used to do. That way I did not have to worry about the torn up furniture.

    Or, get baby gates. That way you can confine them to one room when you are gone.

    There is ways to work around their toddler and teenage years IF you want to.

    If you DOn't, then it won't do the dogs much good if you just endure them and won't give them any time.

    They are beauties and I think having 2 shows, that you care about them. Because I hate it when one is alone all day. That is how i ended up with 3!! lol

    Hope it'll work out, but as you can see here, dog lovers do not understand how you get dogs and then give up on them. :-(

  4. germans killed a lot of jewish people and make cool cars the end. Seee I wrote your paper for you

    .....great cars and motorcycles, solid built homes, appliances, tools, awesome wine and beer, and wonderful women for that matter....but we already discussed that in a different thread! :D

  5. I owned the F650 GS before I had the FZ6... I absolutely loved it...the torque, the gripwarmers :-) and the soft seat... But since everyone in our riding club had street bikes I needed to get something different. I almost cried when I sold it. :-(... Mine was a 2001, fuel injected, ABS and it was a totally reliable bike. A little heavy for serious off road but I never did that anyways.

    The adjustable suspension was great too. Easy and quick adjustment...BMW... Great stuff....Germany!! Home, sweet home... :-)

  6. HUbby and I had planned a trip next year across country too.

    Ours was like 4200 miles all together. Since I don't know if I will be working then, I am not sure how feasible the trip is.

    However, since we wanted to do this anyways, we might tag along. But I would have to let you know sometime at the beginning of the year.

    I love Montana - My mother in Law lives in Bozeman MT, In 2006 we went from Bozeman through Yellowstone National Park down through Wisconsin, Idaho and Utah...I loved the roads there...unfortunately it was all by car. :D

  7. What I would like to know is what you can prevent people from committing suicide.

    I am afraid for my daughter. She is 15 and has been pretty much depressed the entire time we have been here (4 months)

    She has written notes on wanting to die, saying the suicide voices are getting louder etc, etc. She is currently in psychological care and she has good days in between, but my worst fear is finding her one day ....well, I won't finish the sentence...

    So for a loved one it is very stressful to see someone just being sucked into this black hole and there is nothing you can do to make it better.

    I feel for all of you that have lost someone through this unnecessary way to die...

  8. My hubby and I use Cellular line Interphone...bluetooth, you don't have to press any buttons, they are always on, so you can talk continuosly. They last about 6 hours at a time. We have had them for 3 years now and had no problems with them. They were $180 each (3 years ago).

    At 300-500 yards connection is interrupted.

    We absolutely love them. :D


  9. ...What happens with all the trash of our old technology?

    ...Much more CO2 is released because of our Mass Production of Meat.

    Again, I don't think we will get to see it, but the next generations will. When I was a kid they said the forests are dying. We still have plenty of forest.

    Can you give me a good reason why scientists would tell us all this if it wasn't true?

    Do you believe in Jesus Christ? There are no FACTS that he existed but people still believe he did.

    If you open your eyes and educate yourself about all the thinks that cause the ozonelayer to go, maybe then you will understand a little better. It does not matter how old I am, there is plenty of dumb old people around! :D

    Timotheus, yes the changes are happening because of people who care and who realize that our behavior is bad for the earth. I only have a problem with people who don't care and who don't "give a damn".

  10. when i was in school in the 1960's (yes im that old) we were told by the experts and scientists that we were heading for another ice age.....why should i believe these clowns now ?

    Because you do not have to be a scientist to understand that the human development is destroying the earth. I am wondering where it will all end...They are developing electronics i.e. at such a fast speed that by the time you buy that device it is already outdated...

    anyways, I am with JAGR and I say EVERYBODY should care and should do their part to support the environment.


  11. why is it so hard to understand that the earth has been going through cycles of cooling and warming for thousands of years ?.....and now, all of a sudden, its mans fault ?.....logic and common sense have gone out the window

    Nobody said that this is not the case, but within the last century the changes are more rapid than ever before...And really, if you think about it, the last 100 years is when this planet has changed the most as far as technology and population growth goes. What you mentioned is actually explained in the article I posted a few posts back in this thread.

  12. I think the carbon argument is retarded. Who really knows? I think that global warming is a crock, so i do what i want. Someone else may think its the worst thing for our world, so they dont do "the bad things." Who cares really?

    Because of people not caring, that is why nothing changes for the better in this world.

    The worst thing we can do is not care. And that goes with EVERYTHING :(

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