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Alex L.

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Everything posted by Alex L.

  1. I'm glad I didn't see the soldier video. I am done clicking on links that warn me of them being terrible for awhile. I have lost trust in the internet.
  2. I thought 2G1C was hilarious. That kind of stuff doesn't bother me that much.
  3. Part 2 with the actual Jackass guys in it is great.
  4. For anyone who hasn't watched, the post above mine s 100% accurate.
  5. It's not a fun video to see. 2G1C and the BME video are fun because you get to brag about that. I've been trying to keep people from watching it.
  6. I don't have another set for it. I will probably end up just using those (have REALLY good tires on them) and getting new suspension and a drag wheel/tire setup for it.
  7. Thanks man. It wasn't even clean in those pics, I guess it was just the mad photography skills coming through.
  8. I didn't lose any sleep, but the image keeps popping into my head. I tell people that I saw the most fucked up video ever, but I absolutely refuse to give them the link. No one should watch this.
  9. I know it originated in prisons, but I'm not sure how accurate the availability thing is. Can anyone confirm?
  10. Fucking awesome. The faces are ROFLworthy.
  11. Nope, the old Holophane plant off of 16 going towards Pataskala.
  12. Not that kind of noise, they're speckled if you look at them. That kind of noise.
  13. I've got some shitty pictures of the '94 that I forgot to post up. Here they are if anyone's interested. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/14biggy/Supra%20Pics/Industrial1.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/14biggy/Supra%20Pics/industrial2.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/14biggy/Supra%20Pics/Industrial3.jpg http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/14biggy/Supra%20Pics/industrial5.jpg They've got too much noise. The only excuse I have is that it was cold and I only had a hoody.
  14. Alex L.

    uhhh wat

    Video's old as hell, but I'd like to see the proof that he died too.
  15. I was having some fun in the Ram. 3/4 ton truck drifting FTMFW.
  16. "They didn't pick anyone in particular, just people who didn't look like they'd put up a fight." Jesus.....I don't even know what to hope happens to those useless pieces of shit.
  17. I never, ever want to see anything like this again. Those fuckers are the most barbaric, careless, inhuman pieces of shit that I think I have ever seen. I understand the fact that if you do something of the same caliber to them then you are no better, but they deserve to be destroyed.
  18. They shouldn't see the light of day again. I agree with what was said above, it wasn't as much the actual image, it was the sound of it all. That's when cruel and unusual punishment should be allowed, to be used on sick fucks like that. I'm with Ryan here. The things that could be done to those motherfuckers would make the video look timid.
  19. I don't think anyone can watch that video and not be sick about it. I'm usually pretty numb to this stuff, I've watched every BME, 2G1C, and any other fucked up video. Hell, that jar video didn't even bother me. It's just the fact that a life was taken, and the way it was done. I wouldn't mind taking the Mossy to the person carrying out the killing, and the person filming.
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