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Posts posted by mhallam85

  1. I'm pretty sure I spoke with mhallam, but there were some issues.

    1) I don't hear well between the loud bar and years of hearing damage from drag racing

    2) I was slightly inebriated

    3) He's a fast talker - or maybe I'm just a slow listener from the beer?

    So no offense... I tried to hear you and converse, but it just wasn't happening in my brain very good.

    You sure did...lol...yea i am a fast talker anyways but im sure because of the beer and shots my fast talking turned into mumble talking and rambling with run on sentences like this post

  2. yea these were simple things like who is the only bengal hall of famer, who did the ickey shuffle and my favorite....do you even know the name of your own stadium

    Actually Anthony Munoz is now in the hall of fame as of last season. So now that's two! I know....pathetic compared to other teams but at least were ahead of the Ravens, Panthers, Texans and Jaguars!!

  3. if i had a dollar for every time I've heard this then ask the Bengals "fan" and they don't know shit about the team or history or much of anything at all

    edit: this is not an attack at you, Bengals "fans" are just a giant pet peeve of mine

    lol...np. I dont take offense to really anything. I know its hard to take someones word online when you have wiki and crap to do research on team knowledge but iv been a fan since I was young. Do I know everything about the bengals of course not, I do know quite a bit, I believe so, but my standard are probably different then yours. Not all fans are rude, cant really speak for everyone, thats like saying everyone in a certin city/town cant drive. My dad and I have been season ticket holders for some time and of course i'v encounted the horrible fans of bengals and visiting team but you will get that at any event where people are drinking and continually have foul mouths. It does amaze me about bandwagon bengals fans because last season was really the only decent season in some time.

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