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Everything posted by Bluezx6r

  1. When I saw it I was thinking cold tires as well.
  2. lmao, you know I dont even remember being in this pic until some girl tagged me in it. But it is my 2nd grade catholic school pic.
  3. lmao. How did you know??
  4. Thats because its old as shit lol. Heres some new ones i suppose. Can you Guess which one is me in this one???
  5. Before the age of 18 I had: 1986 VW Golf 1986 Ford Thunder Bird 1980ish Saturn SC2 1986 Nissan 300ZX 2004 Mustang (My mother bought it for me but, I couldn't afford the Insurance so she kept it.) 1988 Mustang GT After age of 19: 1998 Mustang GT Silver 1998 Mustang GT Black O and my father left me an 05 Ford Explorer.
  6. I went to private school, I had to wear shirt and tie everyday all. Through grade school and highschool.
  7. Lmao, actually I used to have a picture 3xactly like this except the one I had was real
  8. Yes.. Yes it does lol. I had the hardest time in the world explaining why You were in the background pictures of my bike on the dyno day lol.
  9. Did we just become best friends? YEP!
  10. I do but i don't pay much attention to the sponsors besides the Jordan bikes. I just go by rider and Bike. My favorite GP Rider is Nicky Hayden. AMA is Josh Hayes, Jake Zemke, Tommy Hayden. WSBK is ok i dont really like any riders but if i had to pick it would be Biaggi
  11. No thats fine, I wasn't buying just yet, Still waiting on the money. But I would like to check yours out, when you get them.
  12. I never said that lol, I just have to watch what i say because she checks lol
  13. She said that it will make people think I like playboy bunnies lmao.
  14. lol I didnt even really think about it, that the sad part..
  15. I loved the movie, but my girl was feeling sick so we left before see the credits, did anything happen that i missed??
  16. lol, Apparently 1000rrrider will make fun of my bike regardless. Besides my Girl already said no lol.
  17. Worst mental image... ever... Well actually when I was a kid i decided to sneak into my parents room to sleep because i got scared.. BIG mistake:nono:
  18. From what I have heard its being made by a completely different set of people. That are trying to pull the series out of the shit its in and get it back to the "original" Standards. \ BUT, We will see lol.
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