Ok, so screw this.... My dad took the bike to I think it was Andrews Cycle. They called me and the service guy said he'd get a estimate for me...3days later no estimate he "didn't have a chance to look up the price of pats". He then later REFERRED me to another shop "Cycle Therapy" and he also said that I would probably be better off buying a new motor. FAWK ALL THAT! I am pretty sure a new motor is going to cost me in $1,000something range. I blew atv/dirtbike motors and it was ALWAYS cheaper to rebuild those things... And right now the motor that is in my bike starts FINE and runs at idle fine, it just makes a horrid noise when abrupt on the throttle. Hell I drove the bike home 10some miles the way it is as long as I was under 4k rpm it was fine. Anyone suggest who else I could take this bike to? I am now getting tempted into tearing into it and doing it myself, I JUST DONT HAVE THE TIME TOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo ARGHHH!!!11!!one!! I NEED a motorcycle, the weather is beautiful out! 2project motorcycles and no rideable motorcycle SUCKS!