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Posts posted by NeverEnough

  1. NE Ohio sany0852s.jpg

    Probably my favorite picture of the day...note the caution turn sign! hehe


    Chill time...



    Chris just ridin...


    Chris waving- "hii MOMMMMmm!!!"


    Just cruisin...


    Break time


    And this my friends is why you must ALWAYS have a camera with you...

    I Present to you....... Mr. FAIL


  2. Just got in.

    Was a nice chill ride, it has been a while since I have done that.... was actually pretty nice to just enjoy some scenery. And I must say kudos to neohiofan, idk how the fawk you got us all from the west side to all the way to the east side ending on chagrin river road without tons of boring straight stretches! Nice job on pickin out the roads.

    And here come the pictures!

  3. It would take forever for me to ride the scoot all that way. :sadface:

    ohhhhhhhh STFU. I've ridden 2.5hrs to meet up for a ride before.... would your trip be worse than that?

  4. Sorry it took so long, and sorry for the crappy quality pics (forgot my camera on the table before I left for the ride)

    My bike by a cool brick factory I rode past on my way there...


    The bikes at the start of the ride....


    The bikes like 3/4th the way done...


  5. Why not get one of those backpack style baby carriers so he can ride in style. And see how many call the law when we blow by them thinking it's a real baby. :)

    I now have a new item to search for when cruising country roads stopping at garage sales this summer! A backpack baby carrier and a realistic looking baby......OMFG I MUST!:cool::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:cool:

  6. LMFAO!!!!!!!!11!111one!11!11!!! at the guy in the red and black jacket in picture #4 of post #130

    LOL! But in all seriousness, thanks for the sweet pics! I'll be posting up the couple that I took with my blackberry(forgot my camera on the table at home facepalm fail)

  7. Pshhhhhhhhhhhht! Man I am totally cool with not having any of that blue costume fun.

    I haven't had a SINGLE ticket in all of my driving (knock on wood) When I am riding I always just chill at or below the speed limit and then speed up through the corners, but only to slow down again awaiting the next corner. I am not the biggest fan of going fast all the time, just through corners.... I'm too poor to be able to afford higher insurance let alone speeding tickets!

  8. Yeah that was just crazy windy...

    I just played around on roads down in Carrollton ohio area... Second to last corner as I was just a couple hundred yards away from pulling into my parents driveway, I was leanin pretty durn good goin a purty durn good speed (I know every inch of this road lived on it for 8years) and well Mr. Gust decided to BLOWWWWwwwwwwwww across the road and whoa buddy it sucked the bike way lower to the ground and I touched my toes to the pavement....annnnnnnnnd then I decided I was done for the day.

  9. That's why I wanted to make this in June, should give everyone some time to come up with monies.

    Cooldeal man! Make it after June 17th;) That is my last day for my Americorps gig...

    I would be in if it was reasonable. I also want to bungee jump off the New Riever bridge this year as well so cost is a factor for me. If its under $150 I'm in.....

    There was a linky to clicky --- http://www.startskydiving.com/tandem-pricing.htm

  10. I agree, but I'd rather my friends make informed decisions. If they look at the facts and decide to ride without gear, so be it. I have no problem with people riding without gear, I just think people need to be informed.

    It seems that many people see all the squids in t-shirts and sandals and think that it's cool and normal to not wear gear.

    totally agreed man... When I show up to a place with all my leathers on, people are always shocked and commenting like "wow you must really be a canyon carver to be wearing that" and its like pshhht... It should be that the common person is shocked when they DONT see gear.

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