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Everything posted by Jcroz91
your right.. i didnt mention why he gave them to me. Just cause I said i was given these by someone doesnt mean I didnt do soemthing for them in return. just saying. sry for not explaining the whole situation which is irrelivant to the sale. Why are you guys always on my nuts? I did nothing wrong. Is it wrong or me to ask you guys to get off my shit for 2 seconds? Iv never had a single thread on here where you guys dont try to put me down for something.
that dude... u have a PM. and thanks for the help with the sale jrmii. I never said I was given them for free. He gave them to me for working a weekend for him.
4th Annual B'laster Cavalcade of Stars An NHRA/Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series Event (Division 3) When- May 14, 2010 08:00 AM to May 16, 2010 07:00 PM Where- Summit Motorsports Park I have 4 tickets for sale. $45 a piece retail. I was given these by a co-worker, Maybe they have a pit pass on them or something but they are for all weekend and they were $45 a piece. Ill post pics when i get home. ill take $30 for all of them OBO. http://summitmotorsportspark.com/schedule/4th-annual-blaster-cavalcade-of-stars.ics/ PM me if interested, make offers
Well im in the fisher college of business where you need a 3.0+ to get into. BUT..... they dont care. Just have to be on your game before 5 while the manager and director are here. the Sup's dont care. as long as you take your calls when your get them they are cool with you here. but we sometimes have like 15-20 min between calls to do stuff. aka games
I dont even know what your trying to say with that last sentance.
superviors dont care here... im in there good with all of them. and yeah I go to osu. and i do study. but theres only so much studying you can do.
9746 high score
lol i played that game for a while... only good for about 15 min at a time tho.
What site do you guys get on while bored at work? Most of the sites are blocked here but I know there are tons out there that the blockers dont know about yet and new ones pop up all the time... post em up if you have any!
you sure it was the same thing?
yeah that does make sense. ill talk to my lawyer
im at work.. so im trying to remember. but they are like.. 1. how much was paid to the previous owner for the listed vehicle? 2. what was the value of any vehicle traded in return for the listed vehicle? 3. what was the value of any work or services done for the previous owner in return for the listed vehicle? 4. How much have you already paid in taxes on the purchase of the listed vehicle? 5. Any general comments? ( I was just going to write that that vehicle didnt run when i recieved the bike.) 6. How much interest was paid on the load used to pay for the vehicle? thats most of what i can remember i believe there were 10 questions
on life or the tax's?
looks like its all down hill from here then! already a winner.
this is what is says... questionaire regarding title transfer of motor vehical Ohio Law requires the department of taxation to conduct a special audit of all casual (non-dealer) motor vehical title transfers. Our records show that you recieved a title to the above listed vehicle from Tim ____. As part of this audit you are instructed to complete this questionaire on the reverse side of this letter. ANY FALSE REPRESENTATION OF THE PRICE WILL BE IN VIOLATION OF OHIO REVISED CODE SECTION 2921.13. VIOLATION OF THIS SECTION IS PUNISHABLE BY A FINE OF UP TO $1000, 6 MONTHS IN PRISONMENT, OR BOTH. Failure to respond will resort in an assesment (includes a 15% penalty) based upon the average retail price. please return this questionaire in the pre-addressed envlope.
but someone loaned me the $... so no money came out of my account that day. so even if they look my account up it didnt come out of there. and like tyler said. idk if its a legit audit. or just a survey. it seems to be just a questionaire like they are just trying to get me to admit a purchase.
maybe they are surveying me cause they cant get anything else on me. and they just want me to admit I paid for it. Still... idk if its worth calling the gov out on a bluff
i mean how sure are you that that is how they look it up? cause they never sent me something saying you owe this much.. it asks how much i paid for it... and i sign it at the bottom saying is anything is untrue on that survey i can be charged with purgery. i mean just cause i didnt pay $$ doesnt mean i cant be taxed. I can be taxed on anywork i did for him in return for the gift. say i repainted his house and in exchange i got the bike, well theres a $ value to the work i would have done repainting his house and i would need to pay the taxes on that. i feel like insurance companies will do anything they can to not have to pay for someones stuff
yeah that makes sense, never looked at it like that.
prob just going to pay the full amount that i need to pay and not worry about it. i was just looking for some advise as to what it was I had gotten in the mail. I think tyler gave me the info i needed but i not really willing to risk it.
yeah recieving stolen property... not a good thing. but I never even asked the JD guy his name when i bought the bike. i had assumed his name was tim. he said he didnt care if it was cash or check and if we made the check out to tim he wouldnt get any $ unless he knew this tim guy.
well i figuared i could get some help... you guys did say this might happen after i told you how we transfered the titles. but that was after so theres nothing i can do about it. If you really think this thread could get me into trouble then delete it.
my goal is to win most entertaining member of 2010:tongue:
i didnt do it. the othe guy did. remember i was having all the title problems and had to go to dayton to his house to get a new title made. well when we did that and he was willing out the title he was like ill just make it a gift since you had to come all the way out here. save you on taxes. and of course me being and ignorant 18 year old said ok but see this is the thing... its kinda complicated. timothy was the name on the title... the previous owner. but i bought it off of his friend. cause his friend bought it off of him but they just never switch the title over so his friend didnt have to pay taxes on it. i think his name was JD or something. so it was my tim> JD> me. So. i paid JD cash. so the JD dude is the one who made the deposit and timothy friend got no money out of me cause i didnt buy the bike off him. does that make sense? kinda a goofy situation. and no the bike wasnt stolen cause timothy had to meet me in dayton to get the title swapped so he knew it was all happening. but if they look at timothy friend's account they wont find any $ on that day cause I never paid tim anything. yeah from what Iv heard they say $0 is ok between family members but if trading youll still have to pay tax cause theres still a value on the vehicals and you have th pay tax on the values. they will get the $ how ever they can.